Kidnapped Aadhya..!!!!!

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Author's Pov-

At one side......

Aadhya met her bhai after running from that person but didn't say anything to her bhai and she is silent from that time so her brother asked," what happened chikki, why are you so tensed is everything alright?" for which aadhya said "yes, bhai everything is good but little tired that's it." but thought (who is that person? why did he say that to me, may be he mistaken me with someone) she shrugged by that and they left from there to hotel as it is night 7.30 pm. As they reached it was 8.30pm and had their dinner from their everyone left to their particular rooms. As aadhya is leaving, her mom said "adhu kal subha 5.00 bajhe utna, hum sab allahabad jayenge ,okkk don't be late or else i will beat youu.." for which aadhya just laughed and said "okk maa,mai utungi don't worry." with that she left for her room...

At other side.....

Ekaansh just stood there from where her little gonna be wife left and thought (what am i going to do with you rabbit?!!!) and smirked wickedly. He just left from there as he got a call from his dadu for which ekaansh said "ok dadu, i will marry her but how are we gonna do that" but dadu just smiled knowingly said "we will plan something with our power , come to the farm house" to which he replied "ok dadu." cut the call and left to his farm house in varanasi. At eight he reached his farm house where he has seen his dadu and bhai discussing something, varun hugged his bhai and said "bhabhi ko dekha , how is she?" with an excitement on his face to which ekansh said "okk gud ,why r uh asking ??" (he thought to say that she is a goddess in human form but don't want to reveal ) with a raised eye-brow to which varun said "already possessive ahh!!!" with a smirk on his face but vanished when ekansh said "y u want to work extra hours or what?" with that ekansh laughed evilly. Dadu came to ekansh and questioned "how do uh plan to get her and marry her?" with that ekaansh became silent to which dadu said "i planned everything don't worry , As my plan is to kidnap her without anyone's nuisance at night."to which varun said "how dadu??" "As of Aadhya, we can drug her water then she will sleep ,at midnight our men will go to her hotel room and bring her here but also set her hotel room on fire with a exact duplicate body of aadhya with some DNA as hotel is ours we can control everything. " dadu said to which ekansh also agreed to his dadu and preparing to execute their plans at midnight. Finally clock's hand hit 12.30am , ekaansh and his men left for hotel. ekaansh gone to aadhya's room alone and checked her room which is totally dark but he caught the glance of his soon-to-be wife for the moonlight cascading towards her on her bed, he approached her and with his fingers he gently caressed her cheeks,neck and collar bone for which he felt possessive, lust and something towards her.As door creaked open his men came into the room with a body which is of same size as aadhya, he came out oh his la la land and cleared his throat. He caught her body into his in a bride lifting pose and carried her to his car, he felt protective towards her. His men did their work and left from there but ekaansh kept one of his men for checking on her family...

Aadhya's Pov-

i woke up from my sleep, felt a feathery softish feeling under me and thought to sleep again but couldn't as maa words came into my brain and got up from my bed to see that i am not in my hotel room. i shouted "where am I?" ran to the door to open it but it is locked with that i banged the door continuously "anyone there,koi bachalo mujhe mumma?? pappaa??? bhaii?? koi hai ya nahi???" i felt helpless, sat their with thud and cried hysteriously. i don't know when i went to sleep again but as i opened my eyes i saw 2 men who are old and young, i just got scared and asked them "who are you and y are uh doing this to me??" to which the young man may be he is of 26-27 yrs came to me and caught my jaw said "don't uh remember me my rabbit" in huskily voice which is very familiar to me then it striked me what he said to me at that time is that (he called me as "my soon to be wife") i just got even scared of him now!!! what am going to do !! these all thoughts are running in my brain then he said in his thick voice "hi wifeyy" to which i replied "i am no wife to you do uh get that!" he laughed evilly n said "yes, u gonna be." Then realisation hit me hard that i am kidnapped by him again fear came to my spine and asked "uh kidnapped me and wanted to marry me. no way in hell i am getting married to you."i gulped. he showed me the feed to which i shockingly seen his face with tears flowing my eyes "why are you doing this to me" i cried so hard .

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