Imagine - Pool

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I was hanging out at Brady's house for the hundredth time this summer. It was becoming a whole hog day kinda thing. Everyday, Connor, his girlfriend Layla, Brady, and me were hanging around the pool.

I was sweating, burning from tanning all afternoon. The three of them were in the pool, but I was waiting to hear back from my mother. She was on vacation with my father, and they haven't called me back yet.

"Waiting on Steve's message?" Connor shouted, whilst playing volley in the water. I squint my eyes. I haven't talked to him since the beginning of the summer, when I knew I liked Brady for sure. But they couldn't know that, or Brady would ask too many questions. 

I hesitated before I answered. "Uhhh no, I'm waiting for my mom to call me back." 

"Come in the water y/n! I miss youuu" Brady says sarcastically. Even though I knew it was a joke, in the scorching heat I still blushed. God what was wrong with me? He's been my best friend since the third grade. Like come on. 

After about an hour or two, I got up and went in the water to play water volley. Me and Bray won, and he took me in his arms, bringing us underwater. "We won!" Butterflies were swarming in my stomach, and I didn't want him to let go. 

The sun was setting, and Layla and I went inside to take a shower. We were in the guest room, and Layla was brushing her hair after both our showers. 

"So y/n, how are things with Steve?" she asks busy brushing her hair. The boys were waiting for us downstairs to get Chick-Fil-A at the drive-thru. I let out an awkward smile, and thinking about what to say. Do I tell her the truth or not? 

Before I can answer, she turns around and smiles a I know it all smile. "What?" I ask

"Y/n, my cousin is friends with Steve, and I saw him at my house last week." Oh. Oh. 

" He said that you guys haven't been talking since the end of school." She comes up to me, and starts brushing my hair. 

I sigh. " Yeah, I haven't. It's just- I have someone else on my mind right now." She grins. 

"I think I know who it isss" she singsongs, and I laugh. As we get up from the bed, we see Brady at the door, looking frozen. 

I smile. He is so cute. " What? Have you been standing there for a long time?" I ask with a smile, but I'm clearly nervous. I hope he didn't hear our conversation. 

"Seriously y/n? You didn't even tell me you're not with Steve." He spits out harshly, and walks downstairs to Connor. 

I'm confused. He never wants to hear my boy problems, so I always talk to Layla or other friends, and now he does? What's his problem? 

We get in the car, and I'm 100% sure that Brady is mad and giving me the silent treatment. I don't care. I do, but whatever. 

We get to Chick-Fil-A, and order drive thru. Then we sit in the parking, Brady and Connor in the front seats, and Layla and me in the back. 

We start talking, but Layla and Connor could sense that Brady wasn't talking at all. Finally he said: "Y/n can I talk to you outside?" I was pissed at him, but I still say yes.

We get out of the car, standing in front of the car. He crosses his arms. 

"Why didn't you tell me about Steve?" He asks hurt. 

"Seriously? Now you care about the boys in my life? You never want to talk about it and that's fine, but don't expect me to tell you now!" I shout, frustrated. He huffs. 

"You know what? It's because I couldn't care less about the boys you're dating this year!" He shouts back, his face becoming red. 

A look of anger covers his entire face, and mine too. "Why? Why are you mad at me?" I scream, and turn away. The only boy I've loved, and I was going to lose our friendship. I walk away, tears in my eyes, and Brady yells one more time. 

"It's because I'm fucking jealous! There I said it." He calms down, and I turn back, facing him. He looks at me, desperation in his eyes. "Y/n... I love you. I've been in love with you since the fifth grade, when you were there for my acting career, for me. I couldn't bear hearing about other boys, and Steve..." He stops, collecting his thoughts. 

"Steve, but not Steve anymore right?" He walks slowly to me, still talking. " And I swear, when I get to the guy you dumped Steve for, I will beat the crap out of him. Because you deserve someone amazing y/n." He looks at me, and walks back to the car. I stand there frozen, unable to think and move. But I have too.

I walk back to the car, and open the door, Brady faces me, and I take his face and kiss him. In front of Layla, Connor, and the Chick-Fil-A parking lot, I cared for nothing else. He gets out of the car carefully, his lips still on mine, and moves his hands to my waist and hair. I wrap my arms around his hair, tasting his lips. 

He tasted like chicken, since we just ate. It was disgusting but it was single handedly the best kiss I've had in my life. I break away, and smirk. 

"Well you better beat the crap out of yourself then." I smile, giddy from my perfect kiss with him. He smiles, and god, I love his smile. 

"So you like me?" He asks playing dumb, but I love it. I love him. 

"I love you Brady. More than anything else." I answer laughing. "Good." He whispers in my ear. He takes me in for a second kiss, and Connor clears his throat. 

"Sorry you two lovebirds, but we have to get back home." We both smile giddily, and get back in the car. 

And we drive back home, and for me, the summer was just beginning. 

Brady Noon imagines 🪩Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin