Imagine - toxic bf - part 3

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it's been one week since I've spoken to Brady, or Arthur. I see the happy new couple in the hallways, something he never wanted to do with me. Bonny looks happy at least, so that's that.

To be honest, I've been avoiding Brady all week. His annoying hair and infuriating voice was resonating in my head all day long. Life has gone on I guess.

But today, I've decided to take action. I was going to march over to Brady, and ask him for explanations. I wasn't going to chicken out this time.

At lunch, I see Brady going into one of the classrooms, and I open the door a few seconds later. He was in the classroom with a girl, and they were talking. Or about to do make out. I don't know, but it made me pissed. But he saw me, so he came out of the classroom.

"What do you want?" He asks brutally. I'm taken aback by his sourness, but I continue.

"I just wanted to ask you an explanation." I cross my arms, waiting for him to explain himself. He rolls his eyes, and leans on the wall.

"I thought I was to busy hooking up with girls to do that." I look away, remembering I said that. He deserved it though.

"Look, I'm sorry but why did you start the fight with Arthur?" He clenches his jaw, and looks away. "It's none of your business y/n." He tries to walk into the classroom, but I'm not done with him.

I grab his arm, and pull him. " It is Brady. You started the fight after I told you that I was with him." My eyebrow shoots up, knowing I'm right.

He takes his arm back, and answers coldly: "Not everything revolves around you y/n." He walks back into the classroom. I pissed off. Why was he so cold?

I walk back to the cafeteria, trying not to think about that girl in the classroom. He's probably making out with her, laughing with her.


The afternoon goes by in a flash. I have homework to do, and I wanted to get a McFlurry. I head over to the mcdonalds, and sit down in a booth. I put my headphone on, and start working on my homework.

In my own bubble, I don't look at them time before it's too late. I look up briefly, and see Brady's friend group. Shit.

I look back down, hoping neither one of them saw me. They don't, until Connor sees me.

"Hey y/n!" He sits next to me. "I'm sorry about Arthur." I smile shyly. "Thanks Connor."

He gets up, but Brady sits next to me. "Hey y/n. How's your homework?" He's smiling and I frown. What the hell? He was so cold this afternoon.

"Get away Brady." I get up start packing my bag, and I quickly leave the mcdonalds. Before leaving, I hear one of his friends talk loudly.

"Isn't she the girl Arthur stole from you?"

I walk out. Huh? What did he mean, stole from him? I never talked to Brady until last week. I shake my head and head home. Whatever. Brady couldn't be taking more space than he already is in my head.


I'm at home, eating a cookie from my kitchen. I decide to write in my journal, so I head over to my bag that's in the hall. I search through my school bag, but I can't find it.

I walk upstairs, and look for it in my room. It isn't here. My heart drops. I left it at the mcdonalds. Shit shit shit. No no nooo.

Brady probably has it, or someone from his friend group. I quickly put my shoes on and run to the mcdonalds. I walk in, and nothing is here.

Not Brady, or my journal. I walk out of the fast food with tears in my eyes. I didn't want Brady show it to anyone.

I walk slowly, debating going to start a new life in France or not. I might do it.

I get to my street, and to my house. From afar, I see someone waiting on my front porch. I wasn't waiting for anyone, so it might be a serial killer?

I get closer to my house and realize it's Brady. And he has something rectangular in his hand. My journal. I get butterflies in my stomach seeing Brady, with my journal.

He looks like he's been waiting for a lifetime. I discreetly walk up to him, and clear my throat. He looks up, and stands up. Now I have to look up. He's so tall. And handsome.

He looks nervous. I reach for my journal, and he gives it to me.

"Y/n, I quickly read your journal." My heart drops. I freeze, and look at him. He sees I start getting mad, and he tries to explain.

"All the guys wanted to see it, and I just took it and read the last page..." he stops talking, and I can't remember ever seeing Brady Noon like this.

Never. I knew however, that in the last page, I talk about him, but only him.

"Y/n, I'm sorry about this morning."

"You better be. You talked to me like shit." He scoffs. "Well you haven't been exactly sunshine and rainbows either." I roll my eyes. I love arguing with him.

"I read your last page. Is all of it true?" He asks.

If he asked me two days ago, I've told him I didn't know. But now, even arguing was better than my whole relationship with Arthur.

I nod. I hear his breathing, and feel his hands taking my waist.

" I hate how much I love you y/n. I find you infuriating." He's smiling.

" I hate your stupidly cute freckles. And your eyes." I tell him, smiling ear to ear. He brings me closer, and whispers: "I also hate not kissing you. What's the deal with that?" He brings his lips to mine, but I stop him before his doing so.

"Weren't you just hooking up with a girl this morning?" I'm pissed, thinking about how indifferent I am from his other girls.

He starts laughing, and tells me between laughs.

"She's my cousin. I helped her sort her science homework." I'm mortified. He just told me he loved me, and I started accusing him.

"Anyways, the only girl I want to make out with now is you y/n." He brings his lips to mine, and this time I let him do so.

Something happens in me that's never happens before. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, and I want more. My arms and hands are in his hair, and his bringing me closer.

The kiss starts out soft, but we soon get addicted to it like a drug. We take short breaths to breathe, but he kisses me again.

Arthur's kisses compared to Brady's are nonexistent. My love Arthur is also nonexistent. He was just a cheating scum. My feelings for Arthur were dormant. Compared to Brady, he is small. Still kissing, I smile. I love him.

He cuts me off, leaving me slightly alone. "I take back what I said this morning. Everything does revolve around you. And I did definitely punch Arthur for you." I laugh, and he laughs with me.


Ahhh!! Thanks for reading guys ily so so much💃💃
I hope you liked this three part story, and PLEASE tell me if you want another one of these long stories
Give me ideas😞😞😞 I'm literally dried up of ideas. ( doesn't make sense but whatever)

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