Imagine - toxic bf - part 1

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Arthur wasn't responding to my messages. It's been 30 minutes since I last heard from him, and I don't know where he is. We were supposed to meet up at the mcdonalds next to our school. I check my phone again, and I sigh.

I'm all alone waiting for him. I spot Brady Noon and his friends coming in the mcdonalds. I roll my eyes, and I try to look occupied. They all come in, laughing and talking. One of them whispers, and I hear Connor and Brady walking up to me.

"Hey y/n. What are you doing all alone?" Brady asks. He's still in his volleyball uniform, probably just finished his practice. I roll my eyes again. I did not want to speak to Brady Noon. He was known for hooking up with every girl in our grade, and always got into fights.

"Nothing Brady. I'm waiting for someone; go away." I look at my phone, like a reflex, to see if Arthur has texted me. He hasn't.

A smirk appears on his face, and walks away. Connor follows him, both of them going back to their friends. This is pointless, Arthur was never going to show up. He probably got occupied and forgot to text me. It's fine.

I get up and take my bag. I start walking away, until I hear Brady shouting.

"Y/n! you forgot your book!." I freeze. I didn't bring my book. I turn around to see him at my table, with all of his friends. In his hand he has a pink and blue cover, with my name written on it. It was my journal.

Completely livid, and march over to him and try to snatch it back.

"Give it to me Brady, it isn't yours." I spit out. He better not open it, because all of my journal entries are in there. He starts to laugh, and opens really quickly to a random page. I'm furious, standing at the end of the booth, about to scream. He scans the text, and his eyes look shocked. he closes it, and hands it back to be.

He looks mad, but I couldn't care less. I wanted to kill him right now. He had no right. I quickly put my journal in my bag, and walk out. I hear him yelling my name, but I didn't care.

Fucking asshole. I walk home, and I suddenly get a text from Arthur.


Sorry I couldn't come.
I was busy.

Busy with what?

god y/n stop
asking me questions
I was just busy

Well I waited for
you half an hour

Your so sensitive
y/n grow up

Im sorry, ill
see you tmr?

Yeah whatever

Love you


I sigh. I made him mad. But I'll see him tomorrow, so we'll make up. I hope. 


At my locker, I still don't see Arthur. I texted him this morning, but he still hasn't answered. I notice a brown haired boy coming over, and I turned the other way.

"No y/n wait, I have to talk to you." He grabs my shoulder, turning me around. Brady's eyes look apologetic. that's weird. I remember I'm mad, so I wait for him to talk.

His hand run through his hair, looking nervous. This was very new. Brady Noon was not nervous. I roll my eyes, still waiting for him to say something.

"I-- uh, I'm sorry I read your journal yesterday." 

"Its fine Brady. Tell Arthur that I'm looking for him if you see him." I turn around to walk away. It was definitely not fine, but I didn't care now.

"Wait what?" I hear him say behind me, talking to someone. 

I continue to walk, not wanting to be late to my next class. I'm not supposed to talk to Arthur at school, since he says that it would distract both of us. But I need to talk to him. 

"Y/N!" Brady yells, and I slowly turn around. I'm pissed, since I hate Brady's guts. He just so-- irritating. And always in the way.

He runs up to me, and stops right in front of me. "What? I have to go to class Brady so please--"

"You're with Arthur? That's who you were waiting for yesterday?" He asks, and I can't make out this confused expression. I frown. Doesn't he know?

"Well, yeah. But it's none of your business Brady." I cross my arms, becoming defensive. Why was he so interested in my relationship?

He looks around worried, and I to catch his attention. "I need to go to class Brady." I walk to class, leaving him looking worried.


I get out of class, holding my books heading to my car. The last hour of class was really long, so I was relieved to go back home and relax. 

At the exit near the B building, I spot a lot of students. A shit load actually. All of them are screaming, chanting, in a circle. I try to push through, uninterested just wanting to go home. But to my horror, I see Arthur and Brady fighting in the middle of the circle. 


bahahaha please dont judge guys im trying smt new. Its the first part of three (or two) and I just wanna see how it goes. Anyways, nearly 1k reads! I'm so grateful and I cant believe you guys actually can stand my writing lol

thanks for voting, and reading my imagines!!

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