Imagine - Jealous boyfriend

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Henri and I were heading into town right now. I've been so excited, since Henri was my childhood friend from when I lived in France. He came to the United States for a week, and this was our last day together.

"Tu veux faire quoi?" (What do you want to do?) he asks me, all dressed up. I'm not sure, but I see the starbucks. "I'm going to present you an all american breakfast, and drink!" He chuckles and follows me.

Henri has sandy blonde hair, and brown eyes. He walks as though he is on a runway, but I still love him. He's like a brother to me.

Brady has been kind of distant with me lately, but I invited him to come over this afternoon to meet Henri.

The whole morning goes by, and I'm having so much fun. I'm impatiently waiting for Brady, since all I want to do is kiss him and see him.

When Brady arrives, he's in a bad mood.

"Bonjour, I'm Henri. Y/n's friend." He sticks out his hand, waiting for Brady to take it. He doesn't and it makes the interaction a bit awkward. Brady mumbles something incoherent, and takes my hand.

We walk around town, and we sit down in the park. Brady is in the middle, Henri and I on either sides. Suddenly, Henri gets up and tells me he has a phone call to make.

"What's wrong Brady?" I look at him with curiosity. He looks straight ahead, in Henri's direction. My minds clicks.

"You're jealous?" I smile. He looks at me and his face turns red. "Pff, no! That's bullshit." he seems pissed off, but I can't stop smiling.

I grab his shoulder, and shake them a bit. "You're jealous! Of Henri?"

He huffs, rolling his eyes. "How can I compete with a french speaking guy?" He actually looks pissed off. I smile ear to ear, bringing his face to mine.

"Brady, he's like a brother to me. We grew up together." He looks unconvinced. I let out a small laugh.

"You're the only guy I want. Believe me, Henri is much to suffocating as a boyfriend. I need you, and you're my boyfriend Bray." I smile, and he shyly smiles.


I nod. "Of course really Brady. Henri? As a boyfriend? Never!" I laugh, and I quickly kiss him on the cheek. He face goes red again, and he turns back to Henri approaching us.

"Y/n, c'est ma meuf qui vient d'appeller. Je dois lui ramener un cadeau. Ta des idées?" (My girlfriend just called me. I have to bring her back a present. You have any ideas?) He asks.

"What did you say to my girlfriend?" Brady asks loudly.

" I ask her where to buy a present for my meuf. uh, girlfriend." Brady nods, and tells him he has an idea.

I smile, seeing Brady being more comfortable with Henri the minute he heard he had a girlfriend. He winks at me, and I laugh.


"Il est drole ton mec y/n. Dommage qu'il est un peu con parfois. Moi? sortir avec toi?" (Your boyfriend is funny y/n. A shame that hes a little idiot sometimes. Me? going out with you?) He laughs, and I smack him.

"Hey! He was just a little unsure. And yeah I know he's funny. Hes the best boyfriend." he smiles at my answer, and looks to his phone and smiles.

"C'est Julie?" (Is it Julie) I ask him.

He nods, replying to his girlfriend. "You have to meet her next time you are in France!" He exclaims.

"of course!" I smile.

Thanks for readingggg👹👹
Anyways this one was a little short and I'm presenting to you my amazing French 💪💪 so be impressed🤨
Thanks for a lot of read guys I love youuu and don't forget to vote!

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