Imagine - Brother's best friend

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The Noon's were coming tonight, and I was panicking. Okay i'm exaggerating, but I don't have anything to wear. 

The Noon's have been my parents friends since we where young, and they had two sons. They were one year older than me, and both of them were friends with my brother Jack. We haven't seen them all summer, since they were on a big vacation visiting Greece and Rome. 

I decide to wear a baby blue top with shorts since it was still hot out. Before they left in the beginning of the summer, Brady and I kissed a couple of times. I thought he was going to call back or text me, but he never did. Whatever. 

I hear the doorbell ring. My mom yells for Jack to open the door for the Noon's and tells me to come downstairs. 

I rush downstairs, just in time to greet them. Brady looks amazing. His skin is tan, coming back from vacation, and it makes his eyes pop out. My heart skips a beat. I remember that he didn't answer my messages, or text me back, so I look away. 

"Hi honey, you look so beautiful! You have a nice summer glow going on!" Laura exclaimed, hugging me. (Just imagine his moms name is laura and his dads is mike)

"Hi Laura!" I hug her back. She's so maternal, and I just love her. She's so sweet. 

"Hi y/n." I turn around, and make eye contact with Brady. He looks awfully handsome. "Hi." I answer, not knowing what to say. He looks like he wants to say something more, but I see Connor. 

"Hi Connor!" I hug him, smelling the ocean on his shirt. He chuckles. "Hey."

Jack takes Connor and Brady by the hand, and drags them upstairs. I look at them going up the stairs, and I make eye contact with Brady. He looks restrained. Somethings wrong with him, but it isn't my place to find out anymore. 

I start talking with Mike and Laura, asking them about their vacation. 

"It was amazing honey! You should come with us next time!" Laura says enthusiastically. Mike lets out a little laugh, and glances at Laura.

"Well except the first week sweetie." She nods, looking back at me. "Brady was so glum the first week. We went to the Parthenon for gods sake! But he was just so distant." 

I'm not sure what to respond to that. Why was he sad? I didn't know. 

We kept talking until dinner was announced. We had a kids table, although we were all 16 and 17. I sat next to Connor, Jack in front of me. We were eating Pad Thai. 

"So how are things y/n?" Brady asks. I look at him, with a long moment of silence. Well I've just been thinking about you all summer, but you never called me back, I think.

"Good. I went to the beach with my friends." I look at my plate, still feeling his eyes on me. Jack clears his throat, and starts talking. We start laughing, and I look at Brady sometimes. He looks amazing when he laughs. 

After dinner, I go up to my room, leaving the boys the playroom to play on the ps4. I hear a knock, and I go to open the door. Brady is on the other side, and before I can speak, he crashes his lips on mine. 

I start kissing back, but then I back away. "No. You ghosted me." He looks away, looking guilty. 

"It's not what you think y/n." I'm taken aback. What does it mean then?

I start to close my door, but he pushes it back. "Look y/n, I don't have much time." I look at him puzzled. He didn't have much time?

He sighs, and gives in. "Jack is waiting for me downstairs, I'm not supposed to be talking to you. or much less making out with you." He smirks, remembering the moment we had just lived a minute ago.

I contain myself from smiling, but I'm still curious. "Why do you want to talk to me? It's not like you made any effort to this summer--"

"Jack saw us." He cuts me off, but I don't mind. "He saw us on the porch swing, and he was not happy about it." 

"why?" I ask him.

He runs his hands through his hair, something he only does when he's nervous. "He thought I was playing with you."

"Weren't you?" wanting him to answer the question clearly. He made me wait all summer, so his answer better be worth it.

He shakes his head, surprised by the question. "No. I wasn't playing with you at all." 

"Then why did you stop texting?" He sighs, looking around us. We were outside my bedroom door, and the stairs were right in front. 

"Because Jack told me to leave you. That he would beat the shit out of me if I ever started dating his little sister." I roll my eyes.

"He's a year older. Who does he think he is?!" I try to walk down the stairs, but Brady takes me by the waist and holds me back. 

"He's my best friend." He says, in a defeated tone. I turn around still in his arms. 

"I know Jack Brady. He can't live without you or Connor, so don't worry about it." He looks a little relieved, which makes my insides swirl. 

I take him in for a proper kiss, only to get interrupted. Jack clears his throat. Brady turns around, only his hand staying on my hip. 

"Ok then. I want saturdays with Brady." Jack says calmly. I'm confused. Isn't he supposed to be really mad?

"Why aren't you mad?" I ask him. He rolls his eyes, and glances at Connor, who responds with a smile.

"He told me how sad you were without my weird sister." He puts air quotes around the word sad.

"Anyways, I don't care. You guys seem happy." He pauses, then looks at Brady. "I swear to god if you ever hurt my sister,--"

"Yes Jack I got it." He smiles and looks at me. 

"Whatever jack. Go away." I roll my eyes, but I'm smiling so he doesn't think I'm being sincere. 


1.5k reads! Thanks so so much guys. Anyways, GIVE ME IDEASSS

Thanks for reading as always, and hope you liked it. ik sometimes my writing can be cringe, but if you dont like it just go away


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