Part 6. Back to Work

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. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋback to work ࿐ྂ

I woke up that morning to the sun shining brightly through my blinds- that bright summer light shining just in its last breaths before it turns to autumn- and squinted my eyes while rubbing them. Memories of the night before began to come back to me and I smiled to myself.

No, nothing like that happened, get your mind out of the gutter, but I could remember being happy with Hyunjin's company and the presence of someone other than myself. It was nice to be laughing with someone after not particularly feeling a joyous emotion for weeks. It was odd to me, how easily Hyunjin made me feel comfortable, but I wasn't complaining. After all, Jisung was... is my only friend, so having Hyunjin around made me feel a little less lonely in those moments.

I sat up from my bed and took a look around the newly cleaned room. Hyunjin was right- tidy surroundings can help clear the head.
I had wondered if Hyunjin was still asleep, considering that it was roughly 11a.m. . I entered the living room and saw that the blankets and pillows had been folded neatly on the couch where he had stayed the night.


"Really, you can sleep in my room, I'm not uncomfortable with it."

"It's okay, Sunshine. You've had a difficult day and I want you to rest well in your own bed. I'll take the couch.

We had been debating this whole ordeal for the last ten minutes. But nonetheless, I digressed and allowed him to take the couch he so desperately wanted.

"It's late, but would you like anything to drink or eat? Ranging from juice to alcohol, frozen pizza to cereal?" I nervously chuckled, remembering how much my pantry screamed "college student that's barely making it".

He laughed warmly before shaking his head "I'm alright, but thank you for the offer. You should get some sleep."

"Will you be here in the morning?" I asked slightly timid and I could see his small smile begin to form.

"Depends on when you wake. I may have to leave to go do something." He said and I nodded, not wanting to seem invasive or nosy.
I began to walk towards my room and he set up the blankets and pillows for his sleeping area.

"Goodnight, Felix." He spoke and I looked behind at him with a smile that I'd hoped expressed my gratitude for him that night.

"Goodnight.. Hyunjin." I reciprocated and he smiled warmly before I closed my bedroom door and, for the first time in weeks, fell asleep with a smile on my face.


Wandering aimlessly and lethargically around the apartment, my eye caught notice of the paper and pencil left on the small counter in the kitchen. It had oddly beautiful handwriting on it, the kind where you'd see it as a kid and be unable to read.

'Good morning, Sunshine :) I've left to an important event and had to leave without a goodbye. I hope you're satisfied with your apartment.
I've written my number below for you to have. Feel free to use it whenever you need something, I will be there.



p.s. I helped myself to some tea before I left, so don't mind the mug :)'

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