Part 13. Safe

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. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ safe࿐ྂ

In the midst of wondering if this was really how I could potentially exit this world, when all I could think of was the agonizing pain I felt in my lower region and the low grunts coming from the man overpowering me, that voice appeared.

"Is someone there?"

The voice I had prayed for all this time. The only voice that would have the ability to comfort me in this moment and that I had initially been searching for upon stumbling into this night club.

"H-Hyunjin..?" I said in a quiet whisper as my face was pressed against the wall, making the man halt his aggressive movements.
A second or two later, he was on the ground, not making a single sound. And I could breathe. I couldn't smell his sweat forcefully falling onto me. I didn't feel his grimy hands feeling every inch of my being.

The second he was away from me, I pulled my pants up from when they had been aggressively shoved down to my thighs.
I crumbled. I fell. The sequence of events was something I can't remember; all I know is that I was on the ground seconds later, my knees to my chest and my fingers clawing at every spot of my arms, shaking as I felt hot tears running down my face. But a sound, I did not release.

There was the presence of a person I felt rush to my side, but I didn't look. All that could replay was the feeling of my dignity and purity away.

For the second time.

I could hear the echo of Hyunjin's voice next to me, but it sounded so far away.

"Felix? Hey, look at me, please."

I didn't move. I couldn't.

"I need to know what happened, Lix. Was he doing what I think he was?"
I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Just breaths of disgust and disbelief.

A groan came from the man on the ground, regaining his consciousness. My head jolted towards him, my breathing and shaking unstable.

"God dammit, Hwang. Always gotta get in the way." He grumbled. Hyunjin let out a huffed breath and swiftly moved.
Quicker than I could think, Hyunjin stood over the man on the ground, a black pistol his fingers wrapped around and pointed directed at the male.
My breath hitched.

"Woah! Chill, Hwang. I was just trying to get some fun for once." He slurred, putting his hands up in surrender.

His gaze looked at mine with an evil, dark grin, making my heart pound. I could feel the spill of my eyes intensify.

"Get out of here, Byungho. Now." Hyunjin's voice was low and threatening. In the dark night, I could detect how much power was held in his sharp gaze.
I kept looking back and forth between him and the weapon that seemingly came from an abyss. I was too afraid in the moment to think anything about it. My only desire was for the man on the floor to go away.

"Come on, Hyunjin, let's talk ab—"


He went silent.

"I'm not going to repeat myself, dickwad. I will not hesitate to use this right now. Leave." Hyunjin spat.
The male on the ground stumbled to his feet before beginning to slowly and sluggishly walk away with a scowl drawn on his face.

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