Part 10. This Feeling

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. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ this feeling࿐ྂ

"Can I ask you a question?"

My heart raced a million miles a minute. I couldn't bring myself to speak, so I just nodded slightly, trying my damndest to not let my eyes wander just slightly downward.

"Did you leave the stove on?" In the same, low tone and a smirk growing over his lips, my eyes widened. He chuckled before moving just slightly and I sped to the stove with the, now burnt, bacon.

"God dammit!" I fussed while turning off the burner and poked a fork at the dark strips.
Hyunjin's laughter from behind me only made me feel even more humiliated.

"I'm never gonna get this right, am I?" I asked myself in defeat. It was silly, but I was so frustrated that I began to beat myself up about it.

"Hey, no it's alright. Cooking takes practice and patience." Hyunjin ceased his laughter and walked next to me as I sulked.
"Both of which I cannot seem to grasp. I just burnt one of the easiest meats to cook. This is just humiliating." Perhaps grief makes you a little more emotional than usual; considering the fact that I felt like I wanted to cry like a fool.

"Felix, it's okay. We can make more and I'll help you this time, there's no need to put yourself down." He consoled me through a short giggle and put his hand on my shoulder. I didn't look at him, too childishly upset about some food.

"Hey, cheer up." He brushed a finger under my chin to lift my head up. "We're almost done, we'll just make some more, yeah? It's nearing lunch time; we need a lunch"
I stared at him, to the skillet with burnt bacon, to the rest of the sandwich fillers across the counters, and huffed.


"Good. Now, just follow my lead, okay?" He smiled and grabbed my wrist to begin guiding me through the different steps.
And to put it short, I was hardly focusing at all on the bacon that was being prepared.

. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ this feeling࿐ྂ

"I'm so glad you convinced to stop sulking, Hyunjin. This is so good." I gushed with a bite of sandwich and various other ingredients in my mouth. A laugh emitted from him as he chewed and nodded before swallowing.

"I've known you for such a short time and you've taught me how to cook. You're a great person, Hyun." I was too enchanted by the sandwich, praises were just spewing from me. He let out the shortest, most unsure chuckle. Odd, but I didn't question it.

Maybe he was just focused on the food.

"What do you want to do next?" He asked me, reverting back to the friendly demeanor.

"Shouldn't you choose? We just went to the grocery store for me." I protested, stitching my brows together. Hyunjin shrugged and took a glance out the larger window next to us.

"I figured we make today about you— give you some distractions, you know?"
I could feel my heart melt and thump at the same time. As I had stated before, he was so generous and kind to me after hardly knowing me as anyone except the best friend of his deceased old friend. My arms grew a warmth and I caught myself looking at him for slightly longer than I'd hoped.

"O-oh, well.. I'm not sure what I'd like to do."
I muttered, feeling a sudden pressure to do something that the both of us would enjoy.

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