Part 9. Distractions

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. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ distractions࿐ྂ

My eyes opened just the slightest before immediately squeezing shut at the sunlight that hit my face. I groaned groggily and flipped over to the my other side to face away from the window. The bed felt colder than it did last night and that scent of home was gone.
Opening my eyes again, tiredly, I saw no sight or sign of Hyunjin. Just a nicely made opposite side of the bed. I furrowed my brows and rubbed my eyes with a groan before pulling the blanket up to my nose, closing my eyes once more.

"Not much of an early bird?" I heard his voice say. The most calming, harmonious voice.
I groaned again in response, assuming I was just tiredly imagining things.

"Coffee?" His voice asked with a small laugh, confusing me, so I opened my eye curtains again. And there he was, somehow perfect looking even after waking up not long ago.
He stood at the side of the bed with two mugs in his hands, his hair tied up, and a beautiful smile across his lips.

"You're still here." I squinted lethargically.

"You said we would hang out today, of course I'm here." He replied and that's when I recalled last night and fully regained my consciousness.

"How do you still look perfect this early in the morning?" I half-consciously blurted and he giggled.

"I'm flattered you think of me that way normally, Sunshine, but I definitely do not wake up like this." He grinned and I felt my face heat up, realizing what I said, still bundled under the covers.

"It's not fair." I mumbled childishly, making him laugh before setting down both mugs on the nightstand and sitting up in the bed with his legs under the covers.

"You know you're quite a beauty too, right?"
I shook my head, the side of my face still buried in the pillow. He sighed, "Well you are, and you should be aware of that."

I hummed lowly in response, hardly paying attention but still smiling internally at his comment. I lazily sat up with lidded eyes and yawned. Looking over, Hyunjin was fondly looking at me wake up a mess and I reddened.

"What?" I asked, to which he chuckled and said nothing.

"Coffee?" He repeated his question from earlier, and I nodded this time.
Reaching over, he grabbed the two mugs, keeping my favorite one with the roses in his hands. I chortled slightly as I sipped from the purple mug with a green caterpillar on it.

"I see you're a fan of that cup?"
He pulled his face away from the porcelain and looked at it then me with barely raised eyebrows, licking coffee from his top lip. I smiled at the goofy sight.

"It's my favorite." I stated and he smiled just slightly.

"It's very pretty." The compliment made me smile as I take my mug-collecting very seriously.

We sat in silence for a moment, taking multiple sips of our coffees and enjoying the morning peace. It was nice to have someone beside me. Someone to distract me.

"I'm surprised I woke up facing the window, I usually don't move in my sleep." I broke the silence, casually just speaking my mind, but confusion rose when I saw him slyly smirk at my comment.

"Well, that's partially my fault." He chuckled as he spoke and I tilted my head before taking another sip from my mug.

"You woke up randomly last night, not long after you initially fell asleep and just suddenly sort of bear hugged me."
I choked on the coffee in my mouth instantly and tried my hardest to not spit it out in shock. It turned into a harshly embarrassing coughing fit for a few seconds before I finally got my composure together with a deep breath— Hyunjin was laughing the entire time.

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