Chapter 19-The Fins And Tails Talk.

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I'm sorry for the delay on this Chapter, but I've just had the worst luck with my kittens at the moment. About two or three weeks ago now, someone hit my ten-week-old orange kitten, Valor, and killed him. My neighbor was kind enough to let me bury him in his yard that following morning, and then two days after that, my mother calls me to tell me that she found an orange kitten sitting in the middle of the road down our street with half of his right ear torn off and bite marks covering his tail while covered in blood. He turned out to be one of mine as well, and Oliver is still currently recovering from his injuries, although he is now quite the playful, troublesome, and spoiled kitten we have now. However, that very same day, I had spent the night at a friend's house where we found a little kitten outside on her own and so I brought her home with me hoping one of my momma cat's would accept her.  My cat Shade took her in, so that was good, although it was only after looking at a past photo of her kittens did I figure out that very same kitten was actually one of mine as well.  So I'm guessing Nessie was picked up by someone--or she somehow hid under my car when I drove to my friend's house--and it was a mere stroke of fate that I found her and managed to bring her home. And then on top of that, someone stole my two twin white kittens just this past Monday, Lucky and Artemis, who were the most gorgeous kittens because Lucky had one blue eye and one green eye while his twin brother had beautiful amber eyes.  So I'm still on the hunt to get them back, but since I can't really do anything, I figured I'd post this anyway :) So excuse this long A/N, but I just figured I'd let you all know what's been going on with me lately. Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy :D

P.S. Song above is 'Rainy Day' by Jannel Parrish :)

P.P.S. GIF above is of a breaching Mermaid ;D


"So, Phoenix," Brianna began while glaring up ahead at the purple Merman, "mind telling us how Luke knew about you?"  The rest of us all stared at Phoenix like expectant Goldfish as the Merman sighed and paused in his swimming tracks.

"When I was four-years-old, I met Luke at Daycare and we just hit it off with each other.  We were the best of friends."  Phoenix lifted one hand and clenched it into a fist as a ball of water turned to Ice within.  "By the time I was six, I had decided to tell him my secret.  I showed him my tail when he came over for a play date once, and he didn't run away like I was afraid he would.  He merely said 'that's so cool', and smiled about it."  Phoenix chuckled lowly at the memories as we each listened attentively as his face grew darker.  "My mom had a whole other reaction, however.  She was furious once she found us in the bathtub together, my tail on full display for Luke to see.  After that, I wasn't allowed to see or hang out with Luke ever again."  Phoenix continued swimming then as we each flanked his sides.

"As I grew older and I finally developed the power to control Ice when I turned eleven, I really wanted to show someone.  So Luke and I met in secret like we had been doing for the last few years, and showed him my new ability.  He was fascinated by it."  Phoenix sighed.  "But then like everything else, my mom found out and finally decided to have me homeschooled.  She figured that was the best way to keep Luke away from me and my identity safe.  Mom had drove it into my head that he would only expose me to everyone and gain a huge amount of money for doing so.  So I started hating him, waiting for the moment when he would expose my secret to the whole world and only giving me more reason to hate him."  He paused.  "But he never did.  Even once my mother let me return to high school after being homeschooled during middle school, Luke still thought we were friends.  But I wasn't interested in being his friend anymore because of what my mom told me."

"Is that why you were glaring at him during orientation?" I asked curiously, flicking my silver tail to keep up with him, my purple shell bra a near match to his own scales.

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