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This was a Sneak Peek of a future story I was planning to write, but since it has now been posted for some time, you can find it on my profile titled 'Above & Below' which is the Companion Novel to 'The Fin Series' :) And now that 'Her Other Half' is freshly edited and newly posted, I can go back to writing the Companion Novel and the second book in 'The Fin Series' as well :D I hope you all enjoyed, and please vote on the chapters you liked (which is hopefully all of them), since this story has been entered in the Wattys (I'm not really expecting to win anything, but its still fun to participate), and I hope you will continue to be supporters of 'The Fin Series' and more to come :) Thank you all so much!

P.S. Song above is called 'War Of Change' by Thousand Foot Krutch in the Nightcore version and what I thought suited the mood best ;P


Far off on the coast of Cannon Beach, Oregon, was a lone girl who sat on the beach watching the tide sweep in and out on the grains of sand, a lone Crab sitting next to her for company.  The girl sighed and pulled her knees up tighter to her chest.  "This really stinks," the girl muttered, and the Crab merely clicked his claws together in answer.  The girl then stared up at the cloud covered sky and glared at it.  "You just had to ruin my life, didn't you?" she asked no one in particular, and sighed as she stood up, pulling her hood up over her head to protect herself from the light pelting of rain, grateful it didn't do anything to affect her condition.

Moving to Cannon Beach had been the worst mistake her family ever made.  It turned her into a freak, and she hated it.  She wished she could take it back, but it was a gift bestowed upon her alone.  Or so she thought.  For she had no idea that others were out there, others like her that were currently trying to solve a mystery they couldn't do on their own.

"Come on," the girl beckoned down at the Crab as it quickly changed form into a small black-and-gray-striped kitten, climbed her pant leg up to her shoulder and draped it's front body over it, using it's claws to cling onto her as a supported grip.  The girl chuckled as she headed for the boardwalk, bounding up the stairs one by one until she ran into a familiar face.  The girl grinned.  "Hey, stranger."

The boy that was gazing out at the Ocean while leaning on the wooden rail turned to smile at her.  "Hey, Akira.  Anything new happening lately?"

Akira shrugged and moved to lean on the rail next to him.  "Depends."  She looked at him.  "If you count that I'm still sprouting wings and a tail, then sure, that's something new."

The boy chuckled and wrapped a reassuring arm around her shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze before letting go.  "Don't worry, we'll find some way to fix you."

Akira sighed.  "Timothy, you've said that for the past week in a half now, and I'm still a freak."

Timothy sighed and mumbled, "It's Timmy, Akira.  And I'm not giving up on you.  Carmen and Xavier haven't, either.  We're all in this together now, alright?"

Akira sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder, her pet starting to purr reassuringly from it's perch on her shoulder.  She managed a small smile.  "Still, I feel like there's something more I need to do.  Like I was given these. . .extremities, for a reason.  I just don't know what."

Timmy frowned then and turned to face her.  "Can you take a guess?"

Akira narrowed her eyes out at the Ocean and her Sea Shifter lifted it's head as it stared out with her.  Something was happening, that's for sure.  Not sure exactly where, or what, or who, but there was something out there.

And she knew it was coming to find her, one way or another.

But she felt that this was a good thing.

Akira smiled and turned to the boy she was slowly growing fond of day by day.  "My guess is that I'm not alone."



I hope you all enjoyed and that this last chapter peaks your interest to go read 'Above & Below' next before I start book 2! :D Thank you again!


Her Other Half (Fin Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now