Chapter 14-Sea Slang.

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So this chapter was originally Chapter 18, but I've decied to move it up earlier ;P Hope you all enjoy :)

Image of Cameron's Pink Merman Tail above ;P

Image of Jarrod's Gold Merman Tail below ;D

Image of Jarrod's Gold Merman Tail below ;D

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"Hurry up, Cameron!" the teenage boy with a long golden tail shouted over his shoulder at his friend as they both hurried to get away from the growing darkness.

"It's not that easy to out-swim darkness, you know!" the other teenage boy with a deep pinkish-purple tail shouted back up at his friend.

"Can't you just get rid of it, Cam!?"  The boy threw his hand out to form a whirlpool around the darkness that began to surround them, wrapping it around the current as it dissipated, allowing them a bit more time to escape it's clutches.

"Darkness is an inanimate thing!  I can't siphon it unless it's in a physical object!"  The pink Merman finally caught up with his friend as they hurried to escape the Indian Ocean.

"Damn it!  How the hell did it even get this far!?" the gold Merman with dark brown hair and silver-gray eyes cursed aloud, and hurried to swim faster so that they were beyond the darkness' boundaries.  Darkness could only travel so far before the light diminished it.

"Jarrod!  On your left!" Cameron quickly shouted a warning at his friend, and Jarrod immediately threw his left hand out to form another whirlpool, catching the darkness in it's current, leaving nothing behind.

"We're almost there, Cam!  Keep up with me!  I'll give us some more cover!" As Jarrod allowed his friend Cameron to swim past him, the gold Merman twisted his body around so that both his palms were displayed out in front of him as he summoned a lightning current to flow throughout the water as he saw fit, creating several heated bubbles to form around them, giving them enough cover for the darkness to lose it's sense of direction.  Jarrod then swam ahead to catch up with Cameron, who waited for him on the other side of their distraction.  "Idiot!  You should've just gone on without me!"  Once Jarrod was by his side again, Cameron then began to push his tail to the limit, his dark red hair and silver-gray eyes shining with amusement at his friend's banter.

"You know I would never leave you behind, Jarrod.  We're in this together, aren't we?" Cam grinned broadly as Jarrod merely rolled his eyes.

"Sometimes I hate that you're so peppy most of the time.  It's almost hard to believe that you have the second most dangerous power in all the seven Kingdoms," Jarrod mumbled as he felt the Indian Ocean current begin to fade as they crossed over into the Atlantic Ocean.  They were now beyond the darkness' reach.  Jarrod sighed in relief as he slowed down some.  "Finally.  We made it."

"But it's not over yet."  Cameron held a serious expression on his face.  It slightly disturbed Jarrod that his friend could be this scary.  He was a force to be reckoned with, after all.  "We still have to find the others."

Jarrod shook his head.  "Are you sure that there are more of them out there?"

Cam grinned at his friend's negativity.  "I think you mean more of us, Jarrod."

Jarrod scoffed.  "Like I'm going to believe that there are five other half-Mer kids out there born from each Kingdom?"

"Of course!" Cameron did a flip of excitement before continuing to swim alongside his best friend.  "If we're a product of Human and Mer relation, then who's to say other Kingdoms haven't done it before?"

"I still don't believe that there are others like us out there, Cam.  And even if there are, how the hell are we supposed to break this damn stupid curse if all seven of us come together and whatnot?" Jarrod scoffed and flicked his golden tail aggressively.

Cameron chuckled and flicked his pinkish-purple tail to keep up with Jarrod.  "I'm not quite sure myself on that fact, but hey, you know what would be really swishy?" Cam grinned as Jarrod mumbled under his breath, "You not speaking in that damn Sea Slang of yours?"

Cameron laughed.  "Of course not!  It'd be really swishy if some of the other half-Mer children are girls!  I mean, they can't all be guys, can they?"

Jarrod rolled his eyes.  "We're not going to America to have flings with them, we're going in order to tell them about the Prophecy and Legend of the Seven Kingdoms, that's all.  No flirting, Cam."

Cam raised a finger at him.  "I think you mean 'no swirling'."

Jarrod glared over at him.  "Speak in Sea Slang again, and I swear I'll turn your tail inside out."

Can pouted and crossed his arms.  "You know, you could at least try being nicer and cursing less, otherwise you'll never be able to attract any of the half-Mer girls we're going to meet."

Jarrod ground his teeth together and clenched his fists.  "What makes you so sure that there will be girls once we get there?"

Cameron smirked, an evil glint in his eye as he held up one hand, and Jarrod actually flinched at the dangerous look on his friend's face.  "Oh, I just know."

"You know, you can be pretty scary sometimes, you know that?" Jarrod muttered, and Cam merely blinked at him innocently before smiling.

"What do you mean by that?"

Jarrod sighed and shook his head, a small smile pulling at his grim lips.  "Nothing, ya' damn con-artist."

"Hey, what did I say about cursing!?  That's so not swishy, Jarrod!"

"What did I just say about the damn Sea Slang!?"

"Jarrod, you big guppy!"



Teehee ;D I love Cameron's personality already ^.^



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