Chapter 22-Eat Kelp.

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Image of The Dark One's Black Merman Tail above (or at least close to it)

Song above is 'Bad Intentions' by Digital Daggers in the Nightcore version :P


Veronica screamed as she held her head in her hands, trying to push away the aching headache throbbing painfully from within her skull.  She kicked her tail roughly from the pain until the noise had completely stopped.  Breathing hard, Veronica nearly fainted from the exhaustion and pain as Phoenix swiftly caught her in his arms before she could sink to the Ocean floor.  "Roni!"  Phoenix lifted his girlfriend gently as he draped her arm over his shoulders, kicking his tail rapidly to keep them both afloat.  "Are you okay?  What just happened?"

Veronica breathed heavily through her mouth just as Kelpi swiftly swam past her in the form of a Dolphin, heading straight for the source of the screeching noise she had heard earlier.  Veronica lifted one hand weakly to point in the direction Kelpi had swam off to.  "Taylor," she breathed, and everyone followed her finger into the darkest waters below them.

"Follow Kelpi!" Jarrod shouted to Bolt, and his Sea Shifter swiftly took off as Jarrod kicked his tail to follow after them as well.

"We'll bring her back, Your Highness," Mary said determinedly, and nodded to her friends as they all took off after Jarrod.  Phoenix and Roni exchanged a look with the Brietta, Brianna, Cameron, and Luke before following after the other Merfolk.

"Be safe," Queen Michelle Aurelia whispered at their retreating backs, knowing that Taylor was in safe fins with all her friends searching for her.

Jarrod being at the head of the group was the first to feel her presence.  The water had begun to grow darker the further he swam when he felt a gentle and soft touch against the edges of his mind just as a blurry, silver-tailed figure took form in front of him.  Jarrod halted in his swimming tracks as he stared openly at the blurred image that he knew was Taylor.  The floating red hair only confirmed it further.

"I knew you would be the first to make contact with me," Taylor smiled over at her Sea Shifter Match-Up affectionately.

"Taylor," Jarrod whispered breathlessly, and slowly reached his hand out to touch her only for her to slip right through his fingers.  He frowned in confusion.

Taylor smiled sadly over at him.  "I'm not exactly here.  But I know you'll find me.  At least before it's too late."

Jarrod kicked his golden tail nervously.  "Before what's too late?"  Taylor suddenly snapped her head up then, silvery-gray eyes hard as her blurred image began to fade until she was gone completely.  Jarrod groaned in frustration, knowing The Dark One must have done something to her for her to lose contact with him all of a sudden.  "He's a dead fish if he's laid so much as a fin on you," Jarrod growled from under his breath, mentally cursing both Taylor and Cameron for their Sea Slang slipping into his own words before he took off in the direction Bolt had chased after Kelpi.

Mary, Eliza, and Kate were following right behind Jarrod when a blurred image appeared before all three girls.  The dark blue, red, and yellow Mermaids each grasped each other's hands as another was gently laid over all three, just barely hovering above their interlocked fingers since Taylor couldn't exactly touch them.

"Please be careful," Taylor mumbled, and shot her three friends a small smile as Eliza burst into tears at the sight of her, however flimsy the projected image was before she disappeared.

"I swore to protect you," Mary whispered under her breath, her brown-eyed gaze growing hard, "and I intend to keep that promise."

Andy, Andrew, and John were right behind the girls when Taylor appeared before them with crossed arms.  "You better protect my girls, you hear me?  Or I'll have your tails for it."  John smiled softly and nodded while the twins slapped each other's tails in their trademark 'swear on your fins' action they've done since they were guppies.  Taylor smiled as her blurred image began to fade only to reappear in front of her half-Mer friends.

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