Chapter 9-Fish-Fried.

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GIF of Taylor fleeing under the Ocean waves above :3


I was more than fish flustered.  What exactly did Phoenix want me to meet him after school for?  I shook my head to clear it, making my way out the front doors like everyone else with Bree by my side as she continuously took pictures of the objects and people surrounding us.

"Bree, what do you think Phoenix wants with me?" I asked fearfully to my friend, and she turned to face me with a small smile and a laugh.  I had told her everything the first chance I got after my encounter with the said bad boy.

"Taylor, don't worry.  Phoenix is perfectly harmless."  Then she frowned.  "At least that I know of."  My heart rate picked up frantically at her words, and I stiffened up like a Barracuda ready to attack its prey.  And mind you, it's not very pleasant.

"Are you serious?" I asked carefully, my eyes wide with fear and stress.

"Yes," Bree said straight away and laughed at my panicked facial expression.  "I'm just messing with you, Tay.  Relax.  I'm sure he just wants to, um, show you the real him?" she said it more like a question, and I was already fidgeting as it was.  I was so nervous.

"But, Bree, how do I know if he-," I felt something grab my arm just as Kelpi buzzed alarmingly as his Butterfly form on my bag.  I looked up to find those same searing pair of gray eyes I had faced only hours earlier.

"You ready to go?" Phoenix asked me with a rather dazzling smile, and I gulped, before looking over my shoulder at Brietta who nodded encouragingly.

I turned back to face him and slowly nodded.  "I guess so."

Phoenix grinned and tugged on my arm until he was fully clasping my tiny hand in his large one.  "Then let's get going.  I promise you're going to love it."

I hope so, I thought, and let him pull me along and away from my best Human friend and to his 'car'.  Brietta was teaching me a lot of things about the Human world lately, but this 'car' of Phoenix's was rather big and different from what I was used to seeing around town.  I think Brietta had called it a 'truck' once.  "Hop in," Phoenix told me, and I gulped before doing as he said, pulling myself up into the black 'leather' seat as he shut my door for me.  After walking around to the other side, Phoenix jumped in and turned a ring-like-thing on the side of the wheel in front of him.  I would have to ask Brietta more about 'cars' later.  Phoenix glanced at me and chuckled as he shook his head.  I frowned and opened my mouth to say something when he suddenly leaned my way and reached over me.  My heart stuttered.  Then something was pulled over my chest and snapped into place.  I glanced down to see an elastic band of some sort restraining me to my seat.  "You need your seat belt on, Tay," Phoenix grinned over at me before backing out of the school 'parking lot'.

I sighed softly and looked down in my lap where I had placed my knapsack as Kelpi buzzed restlessly, wanting to attack Phoenix for touching me.  He was rather very protective of me.  Calm down, you can chew on him later if anything goes wrong, I thought to him through our bond.

I'd rather do it now, he grumbled.

I smiled down at him and stroked his wing.  "Hey, Phoenix?" I decided to break the silence, the music from the 'radio' still playing softly in the background as I turned my head to look at him.

"Yeah?" he asked while turning the wheel to the right and the truck followed.  My body swayed to the side just slightly, before sitting straight again.

"Where exactly are we going?  I have to work later on," I mentioned my job to him just so I wouldn't be with him too long, and Mrs. Peters won't have my tail for being late.

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