Chapter 21-You May Wanna Take A Fin Back, Snowman.

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Image above is just because it looked cool xP

Song above is 'Hide' by Spag Heddy & Anna Yvette [Sex Whales Remix] in the Nightcore version, becuz I thought the lyrics kinda went with the characters about finding Taylor and all :P


Phoenix, Veronica, Brietta, and Brianna all raced back to the Under Sea Kingdom, flicking their tails as fast as they could until they reached the gates of the Palace.  "The Princess has been kidnapped!" Phoenix shouted at the Guards standing watch.  The Mermen merely glanced at each other before moving their spears aside and allowing them passage.

The four half-Mer children raced into the Palace, trying to find their way to the Queen so they could help send out a search party for the Princess.  They finally made it to the Throne Room as the Guards allowed them inside after a brief glance of recognition.  Queen Michelle Aurelia sat on her Throne discussing with some other Merfolk about the odd presence in the Sea when she noticed the four distressed teenage half-Mers and waved away the other Merfolk she was speaking with.  Swimming up from her Throne, Queen Aurelia frowned.  "What is going on?  And where is Taylor?"

Brietta gasped out, "She's been kidnapped, Your Highness."

Queen Aurelia's bright blue eyes that matched her tail widened.  "What?"

Veronica nodded in confirmation.  "It was a Merman with a black tail that took her."

"The Dark One," the Queen murmured quietly, and swiftly spun on her tail to shout, "Guards!  The Princess has been fishnapped!  Send as many Mermen as you can to find her!  Bring my daughter back to me!"  Several colored Mermen swam about all dressed in the same golden armor that covered their chests and forearms, their Sea Shifters in the form of Manta Rays as they all sped off to find the missing Princess.  "You," the Queen called out to a single Merman as he swam up to his Queen with a straight back and tail, "find Mary Fillter and the rest of Taylor's friends and bring them here to us immediately."

"Yes, My Queen," the Merman Guard bowed before taking off with his Sea Shifter in search of the female warrior.  The Queen then turned to the four half-Mer children.  "Tell me everything."

As the four half-Mer children explained the situation up until Taylor had been fishnapped, the Queen had sent her Sea Shifter--Omega--up to the surface to alert Taylor's father of the situation at hand.  By the time the kids had finished, there was the sound of swift fins being kicked rapidly in the water as the Queen and the half-Mer children spun around to see the rest of Taylor's Mer friends racing towards them, Mary at the head of the bunch.

"Your Highness!" Mary panted once they were all floating before her.  Mary bowed at the waist, hanging her head in shame.  "I'm sorry I couldn't protect her.  You entrusted Taylor's safety to me, and I let you down.  I'm so sorry."

"There, there, Mary," the Queen placed a reassuring hand on the red Mermaid's shoulder, "we'll find her."

A swarm of bubbles erupted between them as Daisy nuzzled up to Phoenix as a Seal.  "Did you bring them?" Phoenix asked his Sea Shifter, and Daisy nodded as she looked over her shoulder.  Everyone looked up to see the gold and pink Mermen approaching them, Luke still clinging onto Bolt's dorsal fin.

"Luke?" Brianna frowned as she recognized her boyfriend and swam up to meet them halfway.  "What are you doing down here?"

"I came to help find Taylor.  She's my friend, too," Luke replied as Brianna allowed him to cling onto her arm for support, Bolt swimming back to Jarrod's side as Cameron floated nearby.

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