Chapter 15-You Bubble Brain!

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So this chapter is completely new :) Hope you all enjoy ^.^


I groaned and stretched my arms above my head.  "All that searching fried my brain, Bree," I complained to my Human best friend that following Monday morning while walking to school.  We had continued researching any Family Trees in the Palace Libraries aside from that one book we found, but still came up with kelp.

Brietta sighed as well.  "I know how you feel.  I feel so worn out after all that."  Brietta smiled then and giggled to herself.  "That tickles, Kiko," she mumbled up at the headband she wore like mine, except hers was green instead of pink.  Kelpi occupied mine as a Ladybug as usual, whereas Kiko had transformed into a beautiful Monarch Butterfly.  "Anyways, I can't believe Andrew is my Sea Shifter Match-Up," Brietta squealed to herself then, and I smiled softly.

"Yeah, me neither," I mumbled, and continued staring at the ground as we walked past the school gates.

"Taylor," I looked up at Brietta, "I'm sorry.  I shouldn't be gloating about it when you're still all alone."

I shook my head and grinned.  "No, it's fine.  I'm happy for you two, really.  Besides, I'm sure I'll find my Sea Shifter Match-Up soon.  It's not like it's the end of-," I was cut off when a body roughly shoved into mine, causing me to stumble and Kelpi to buzz on my headband angrily.  I caught my footing just in time before flattening myself like a Sunfish, Brietta also having caught me mid-fall.  "Hey, watch-," I spun on the person who had bumped into me only for my breath to catch in my throat, my words falling mid-sentence.

"Oh, my tail fins," I breathed at the sight of the Human boy before me.  His brown hair was cropped rather short, but still hung shaggily in front of his forehead, the sunlight reflecting off it making it look more gold than brown.  His menacing silver-gray eyes bore into mine with a harsh glare, his hands tucked into the pockets of a pair of jeans, a plain white t-shirt covering his torso, black shoes covering his feet.  Another boy stood behind him with bright red hair that nearly matched my own, matching silver-gray eyes staring back at me with more of a happy gleam in them.  He wore a pair of beige shorts and a bright pink t-shirt, a pair of brown sandals covering his feet.

"Watch where you're going, kid," the brown-haired menacing boy sneered, and my cheeks flamed with sudden anger that replaced the awe-like trance I had been in.

"Well, excuse me for heading to school, you bubble brain," I retaliated, not caring about my Sea Slang in the slightest.  "Who are you, anyway?  You're not wearing the uniform of this school, so why are you here?"

The brunette boy scoffed, and shoved his way past me.  "That's none of your business."

I pouted, now just noticing the red-haired boy staring openly at me with an elated expression, silver-gray eyes shining.  "Can we help you?" Brietta questioned with a curious expression.

"'Bubble brain', huh?" the red-headed boy muttered, still smiling widely over at me.  "I guess that does somewhat describe Jarrod's personality."  The boy chuckled lowly to himself.

"Cameron!  Hurry up, we got work to do!" the red-headed boy's brunette friend called back at him, ushering for him to hurry after him.

"Coming, Jarrod!" the red-headed boy called back, before turning to me.  "I hope to see you again soon.  Bye!" The boy rushed past me then, slightly brushing against my bare arm as he did.  I felt a sudden jolt within my body as my knees gave out.

"Taylor!" Brietta cried, and dropped down beside me, looking me over for any visible injuries.

I shivered as I clutched my left arm, glancing down at it to see a faint white mark covering my arm before it disappeared completely.  What was that?  I glanced up then only to see both those boys staring back at me, the redhead wearing a smirk while the brunette merely sneered and continued walking off, his friend trailing behind him.  "Bree," I whispered, and glanced over at my friend, "whatever you do, don't touch that red-haired boy's skin.  No.  Matter.  What."  I shivered once again.  Kelpi, that boy makes my gills itch.

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