Chapter 7-Another Boy On Your Tail?

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Image of Taylor's secret Waterfall Cave above :3

P.S. Song above is where I got the idea for Taylor's Lullaby, along with another version below that is sung by Amalee (however, the lyrics are different in her version) :)


"Hey, you know what I just realized?" Brietta said as we walked along the shoreline, our bare feet digging in the sand since we had taken off our flats after work, and currently held them in our hands.

"Hmm?" I questioned as I kicked some of the sand up, Kelpi chasing after it as he barked in his current dog form.  I smiled.

"Since you're part Mer, doesn't that mean you can sing?"

I looked away from her shyly and tucked a stray strand of red hair from my face.  "Yeah, I can sing," I muttered.

Brietta squealed.  "You have to sing something for me!"  Then she frowned and held up her hand before I could reply.  "Wait, never mind, forget I said that.  I know the Legends about Mermaids, and they never end well."

I giggled behind my hand secretly.  "Those are full Mermaids, though.  It says nothing in the books about halves."  Bree's eyes widened, and I full out laughed.  "Come on.  I wanna show you something," I then grabbed hold of her hand, running along the beach as Kelpi chased after us.

We arrived at the Waterfall Cave that I always appear at before meeting up with my dad.  "What is this place?" Bree breathed as we moved around the rock wall so that we were hidden from the other Humans currently occupying the beach.

"This is where I meet my dad every time I need to change form."  I went and sat on a boulder close to the pool of water, dipping my bare feet into it just slightly, but that was all it took for my legs to shimmer like a rainbow once again and my giant silver tail to form as I lay stretched out on the large boulder.

"I'm never gonna get used to that," Bree said with a pointed look at my tail, and I laughed.

"It's not that bad," I said on a shrug, and beckoned her over to sit beside me.  "You want to hear me sing, right?"  Bree grinned widely, nodding her head vigorously as she tucked her legs beneath her and looked at me patiently.  "I usually get nervous in front of crowds, but me and my friends figured that since I like to sing so much, we would use it as our call."

Bree tilted her head in confusion.  "Your 'call'?"

I grinned and held up a finger.  "Watch."  I cleared my throat and began singing the Lullaby I was taught as a Merchild from my mother, "The seven colored wind, blows across the long plateau.  At the peak, a nostalgic song was playing.  And before the dawn, I could hear a melody.  And I knew, that this song, would only bring joy and love!  Look to the East, what do you see?  Little birds flying far away.  They, are flying off to a place, full of love.  It's like a treasure, the Seven Seas have always been my paradise!  A place where all the love in my heart's realized.  Even after a night in the storm, the joy in my heart, can always be reborn.  Listen to the melody of Seven Lands!  It will always be here till the very end.  Even if no one remembers this, I won't forget!  Legend of the Sea!"  Once I finished singing the whole Lullaby, Brietta clapped enthusiastically beside me with a wide grin on her face.

"Oh my tail fins, that was amazing!" I laughed at the phrase she kept using from me.  Then I put a finger to my lips and pointed out towards the pool of water.

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