Chapter 10-Oh, Scales!

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Image above of moonlight on the Ocean surface :)

So I apologize to anyone just barely reading this story, but from here on out, I have edited these chapters to the point where nearly everything is different (mostly) compared to the story beforehand, so hope you all still enjoy either way :)

P.S. Image of Phoenix's Purple Merman Tail below ;D

 Image of Phoenix's Purple Merman Tail below ;D

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I didn't go home right away.  I was too shaken up about what happened between Phoenix and me.  It had grown darker, and I was still sitting on my boulder alone at the Waterfall Cave.  I sniffled.  I had cried most of the swim over here, so mostly all my tears had run dry as the Ocean had absorbed them all.  Kelpi was swimming slowly around my rock as an Angelfish again, and like always, I was grateful for his company.  "I don't know what to do now, Kelpi," I whispered to my childhood friend helplessly.

We could always go back home.

I shook my head.  "I'm not giving up that easily."  I heard him sigh in my head in defeat.

I suspected as much.

I managed a small chuckle.  "You should know me well enough by now, Kelpi."

Oh, trust me, I do.  And knowing you, you'll want to stay here for the night, and leave your friend wondering where you could be once you don't show up for school.

A small smile tugged at my lips as I flicked my tail under the water's surface gently.  "I just can't face him right now.  He even might have seen my tail."  Sadness crept back into my tone.

Kelpi shook his head and rubbed himself up against my scales.  I'll see to it that he never tells if he did see your tail.

I laughed.  Kelpi always managed to make me feel better.  "You can't feed him to the Sharks, Kelpi."

Now, who said anything like that?  I was only going to feed him to myself in the form of a Shark.

I laughed once again.  Kelpi smiled at me through his Angelfish form.  I stroked his fin.  "Thanks, Kelpi.  I really needed that."  Giving my friend one last smile, I slid off my rock and back into the water.  I flicked my tail gently and resurfaced, looking out over the Ocean's surface under the pale moonlight glow.  It was beautiful.

Looking back at the shore, I could just barely see my dad's house, the lights on in the windows letting me know that he was home.  I sighed and looked back up at the moon.  Then I dived down, my silver tail flicking above the surface as the moonlight reflected off my scales, making the rainbow appear in them naturally.  Then I swam up extremely fast and broke through the surface, my body flying out into the night sky as I was airborne for only a moment, before hitting the water hard and diving back down beneath its watery depths.

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