Chapter 3-Oh, My Tail Fins!

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Image of Taylor's Mermaid Tail above when they morph into her legs and back :P

P.S. Song above is where I got the idea for Taylor's Lullaby, along with another version below that is sung by Amalee (however, the lyrics are different in her version) :3

P.S.S. Image below of the school Lunch Courtyard :)

 Image below of the school Lunch Courtyard :)

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After the encounter with the strange boy--who I think somehow knew my identity--Kelpi and I continued on our way home as I walked along the shoreline, my sandals dangling from my fingers since I wanted to feel my bare toes in the sand.  The Ocean was calling to me again, and I desperately wanted to go for a swim.  Well, I didn't want to go back yet, so I would just have to settle for a bath since those were practically the next best thing.  I walked inside the house and made my way upstairs to the bathroom where my dad kept all his essentials for baths and showers.  There was no way I would be able to stand up though as soon as the water hits me, so I would have to sit down in the tub the entire time.  Not that it bothered me.

I turned on the water to fill the tub and stripped off my clothes as I threw them into a pile on the floor, quickly hopping into the nice cold bath I had set for myself.  As soon as I settled myself in and the bubbles surrounded me, covering my body as they did, my legs started to shimmer under the water like a rainbow again as they slowly formed back into my shiny silver tail.  My tail was too long, though, so about half of it hung out of the tub, and I flicked it lazily as I leaned my head back with a sigh.

Now, this was what I needed.

Kelpi then changed into an Angelfish and started to swim about in the tub with me as he skimmed my tail scales every few seconds, causing me to giggle since it tickled so much.  I looked down and made sure my purple shell bra wasn't going to come undone and leaned further back as I sighed in relief.  I felt like singing.  I smiled and closed my eyes as I started to sing the Lullaby my mother had always sung to me when I was just a Merchild, "Seven colored wind, blows across the long plateau.  At the peak, a nostalgic song was playing.  And before the dawn, I could hear a melody.  And I knew-"

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