A Call From All Might

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⚠️Before you read this chapter i'mma give you a slight warning, since it wasn't really mentioned in "A/N"  ( I listed all the main warnings there, but just for this chapter there's gonna be something that I didn't mention, basically.⚠️


- Slight mentions of wanting to force throw up


I shut my dorm door shut and headed to the bathroom.

I wanted to vomit out all the continents that i ate today, even if it's not much.

I opened the toilets lid open and bent down. My right hand was gripping the seat all the while I put two fingers from my left hand in my mouth.

I started to gag and some tears were shedding from my eyes, due to the fact that I just shoved two fingers in my mouth.

I was about to vomit, but then all of a sudden I hear my phone ring.

I immediately put my left hand down and started breathing heavily. I went next to the sink and opened the tap so i can quickly wash my hands. I then went inside my room, with my eyes still watery. I answered the call, which was from All Might.

" Hey, All Might", I said not bothered to sound like my usual cheerful self. Instead, my voice was kinda raspy, tired and you could tell just by hearing my voice that I was not in the mood at all.

" Young Midoriya! It's beena while since I spoke to you."

" Yeah....", I went and sat on my bed. Then I continued, " Sorry about that ", I nervously chuckled, wanting this conversation to end.

There was a short silence, but in a few more seconds he answered again.  " My boy.... is everything okay? You didn't come to train this week. I taught u just didn't show up bcuz you needed a break or something, which of course I would allow bcuz you're really hard working, but..... If you wanted a break I know you're the type of person to ask", he said in a worried tone of voice.

" O-oh I'm sorry... you're right, I should've asked you to have a break first BUT DON'T WORRY ALL MIGHT I WILL NOT MISS TRAINING TH-"

" Young Midoriya, I'm not mad", he said whilst chuckling a bit. His tone changed again drastically into a more serious one, " Are you really okay though? I've heard from the teachers that lately you haven't been paying much attention in class, you're always sleeping and you look like you haven't gotten any sleep in ages..."

" Don't worry All Might.... Everything's fine I promise. ", I tried my best to reassure him with my tone of voice, but instead it ended up sounding kinda cold.

" If you say so young Midoriya....but if there's anything you want to talk about I'd be willing to-"

I couldn't stand it anymore. The same question. Repeating every time. What do people not understand with " I'm fine"!?

I hanged up.

I don't wanna be a burden to anyone. They all have enough problems to deal with.

I-i just don't get it!?

Why would you care for a lowly piece of shit like me who's very existence is a mistake!?

I-I just really don't get it.

The thing is.... you're wrong.

What do you mean?

Nobody cares about you.... they're only saying and asking if you're fine bcuz they're trying to be nice. In reality, let's face it..... how can anyone care....how can anyone give two shits....about you.

I bit my lip. The voice is right. There's just no way that anyone gives a shit about me. They're all just being nice.  What was I thinking!? Thinking that they actually might care for a moment.

I started heading my way to the bathroom again, and I opened the toilet lid.

As soon as I dunked down, my mind changed and I immediately got up from the floor.

No... I'm too tired and lazy for this.

I'm just gonna take a shower and go to bed.


It's a short chapter I know.

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