Visit to mum

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I have spent the rest of the week in my room doing nothing. I didn't attend any classes and I only went out of my room whenever my classmates called me in for dinner....where I eat a bit, just to say " I ate something " and go back to my room.

Uraraka san wanted to tell me something ( probably the thing that she was saving from a few days ago to tell me), but I think she was trying to give me some space? As in, we talked a bit, but she still hadn't mention the thing that she wanted to tell me last time. I mean she told me myself, that she'll tell me when I feel a bit more better.

I wonder what she wants to tell me.

Part of me was really nervous though, I was just a few close in being caught of cutting myself.....what probably doesn't know or at least isn't sure....

All Might called me a few times this week as well, to check on me. He asked me why I'm not coming to his training sessions anymore and wanted to meet me, go have some coffee and talk about it or something? But I had to refuse, as I wasn't really
In the mood for socialising and I didn't wanna put anybody a burden.

Mr.Aizawa came to the dorms and checked on me at some point, too. He; like All Might was asking me why I'm not attending any classes. I just told him that I was feeling sick and by the looks of it, he somewhat believed me. I's sort of true I guess? Like, I am feeling a bit sick.

My classmates sometimes came to check on me as well.

Anyways, I had to go buy myself a new roll of gauzes, since they were quickly running out. I was going to go buy some more this weekend.

I got out of the shower with my light blue towel wrapped around me and I hurried my way to my closet. Opening it and quickly getting myself some comfy pg's for the night.

I opened my drawer and found the tiny box in which I keep my gauzes in. I wrapped my last remaining gauze on my hand and then I proceeded to wear my pyjama.

I also ran a towel through my hair, as my hair was still kind of wet from washing it after, practically, ages.

I was ( and still am ), to unmotivated to do anything that I neglected basic hygiene skills. Forgetting to take a shower, forgetting to brush and wash my hair, sometimes not being bothered to even brush my teeth! It's horrible....

This, of course does not happen every single day, no! But.... it does happen often.

This whole thing just reminds me to much of middle school.... though, I still don't know the exact reason to what triggered it....

On top of that, my facade is being more and more difficult to act as well. As, I often find myself slipping up, my mask slowly cracking.

I went next to my window, and I moved my dark blue curtains that were covering the view, out of the way.

I looked at the buildings, which were under me and I wondered....

" What would have happened if I took Kacchan's advice that day?"

This question, I often think about...even before the fact that I relapsed again.

It honestly sometimes keeps me up at night, thinking of all the possible things that might have happened.

For example, One For All would have probably be given to Mirio, since he was All Might's first choice. To be honest.... I dunno how he chose me instead of Mirio.... I mean, Mirio would have definitely handled ofa better than me, instead of just breaking his  bones every time he uses past his limit. Heck! He'll probably already would have mastered it in his first year at U.A! And probably mastered it in just a few months as well!....unlike me....

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