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They park near the venue, since they were late getting there it was packed so they had to park a little ways away.

"I'm so glad that they chose to come to America again this year." Clarissa says excitedly getting out of the car.

"Me too!" Izzy says with a smile as she walks beside Clarissa.

They get in line and wait for the doors to open. It took about an hour and a half to two hours for the doors to open. Okay, yeah they got there late, but not that late. They still had to try to get a decent spot in line.

They get inside and it's a huge open floor. Above was a balcony that wrapped around the edge. Merchandise tables lined up on both sides of the venue.

"Ooohhh. I want some stuff." Clarissa says pulling Izzy by her arm to one of the merchandise tables.

"What was the point of getting in a good spot in line if we don't get a good spot by the stage?" Isabella asked while being dragged by Clarissa.

"To be honest, I wasn't planning on buying anything, but then I saw the table and I need to now."

Clarissa purchases a light stick, a Jiniret, and a Stray Kids white Maniac hoodie with the members names on the back.

"Do you want anything?" Clarissa asks looking over at Izzy who is already purchasing items.

"Good thing I brought extra money." Izzy exclaims reaching into her purse.

"What did you get?" Clarissa asks her with an excited smile.

"A light stick, a scrunch backpack, BbokAri and a double layer beaded bracelet that says 'Felix Sunshine' on it."

Of course Clarissa isn't surprised, considering that Felix is her bias.

They pack all of their items in the scrunch backpack that Isabella bought.

"Good thing you bought this." Clarissa chuckles.

"Now let's get up there before the show starts." Bella says rushing away from Clarissa to get as close to the stage as she can.

Clarissa tries to follow her, but ends up losing her. She manages to squeeze her way through the crowd and gets to the front. Still no sign of Isabella. "I'll try to call her." She thinks to herself as she pulls out her phone. "No answer."

The room starts to go dark and the crowd starts to cheer.

(Authors note: I've never been to a Skz show, so I'm not sure how it goes.)

"ARE YOU READY?" Clarissa hears Bangchan on the mic behind stage.

Everyone in the crowd goes wild and cheers really loud.

"Where is Bella?!" Clarissa continues to think to herself. I mean, she knows that she'll find her eventually, but she wanted to experience this moment with her.

The members start to enter the stage all at once. Jumping and smiling, already ready to put on a good show. They perform the first song, Venom. After they perform they do a little skit and joke around for a little. The show continued on with; Maniac, Your Eyes, and then Charmer. They again took a little break and did another skit. Then, Red Lights starts.

Still no sign of Isabella, but Clarissa is sure that she's enjoying the show just as much as she is. However, it's getting really hot and heavy in here.

Hyunjin makes his grand stage appearance while performing Red Lights.

"Oh my god. He's just the most perfect man alive. I can't believe we are breathing the same air right now." She thinks to herself as she continues to stare and keeps her eyes on him.

She starts to feel super hot, more hot than she was before. "I should've got some water." She decides to wait on getting water cause she didn't want to lose her place and the show is just too good to miss anything.

Red Lights is halfway over and she's still really hot. Now she's starting to sweat, and things aren't as clear as they were. Her vision starts to get blurry, her hands become clammy, she see stars. She looks around trying to find Izzy so she can get some help. But she is still, no where to be seen.

"I gotta go get water." She starts to head to the concessions area. Feeling out of breath, and hard to breathe due to the thin air and so many warm bodies, she blackouts.

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