Chapter 46: Magnolias

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Hyunjin stays sitting in the chair for a few more minutes. His head resting back into the chair with his eyes closed, taking deep breaths. He gets up out of the seat and heads out of the building.

On his walk home he sees a flower shop. He enters the store and sees an array of flowers. Sunflowers, cherry blossoms, tulips, roses, daisies. All different kinds of flowers, all different colors.

He stops at a display of magnolias. He smiles at the beautiful flower, remembering the poem that he read about them. They reminded him about how magnolias are not so different from the world. He grabs the right bouquet of magnolias and goes to the purchase counter. He pays for the flowers and walks out of the store.

He continues his walk back to the dorm and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He opens the camera and puts it forward facing. He examines the eye Dakota had punched to see what the damage was. Black, purple and blue surrounded his eye. It was a little swollen, but not too much. He puts his phone away.

He walks up to the outside doors of the dorm and enters the building, walking towards the elevator to head up to his dorm. The elevator doors open to his dorm and he exits the elevator. Chan and Felix are in the kitchen preparing dinner while everyone else is in the living room playing video games. Clarissa turns around and sees her boyfriend. She gets up off of the couch smiling. She approaches him and notices his eye. Her smile disappears. "Wha-what happened?" She asks him, lightly touching his eye. He winces a little at her touch and hands her the flowers as he grabs her hand to take her to their bedroom.

She smiles looking at the flowers. "I love magnolias! They're my favorite. They're not appreciated enough." She says while inhaling the scent of the flowers. Hyunjin smiles and sits on the bed. "I agree. Everyone likes cherry blossoms, but magnolias are no different than the world. Everything is beautiful in the beginning, and in the end it all turns brown." Clarissa sits next to him on the bed. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" She asks him.

Hyunjin sighs, resting back onto his hands. "I saw Dakota today." Clarissa goes silent and starts to fiddle with the flowers. "That's where I went after your appointment. The day that I found out about what happened to you, I went to JYP. He found him and I wanted to say some things to him. He ended up getting mad at me and punched me in the eye." Clarissa looks at him. "Thank you for standing up for me. I'm sorry that that happened to you." Hyunjin gets up off of his hands and wraps his arms around her. "You don't need to apologize for anything. I will always stand up for you and be by your side. I will always look out for you, protect you and love you. You are a part of me. I will never let you go." Hyunjin says quietly.

Clarissa's eyes sparkle from the tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying?" He asks her. "I've just never thought that someone could love me or care for me as much as you do. My life has always been a living hell and I thought that I wasn't good enough for anybody. The day that I met you, I never even thought that we would be where we are now. I just thought that I was another girl that you smooth talked into having a wonderful weekend." She says as Hyunjin wipes away her tears. "The day that I met you Clary baby, something in my heart unlocked. I could feel it the second that I saw you. Kind of like love at first sight. I instantly felt like I needed you, that I needed to protect you. I've never felt more close to anyone than I do to you. Aside from everyone else that we live with. But you, you make a stronger person everyday. You make me feel motivated and headstrong. Without you, I'd be lost." Hyunjin says as he kisses her cheek. Clarissa weeps into his chest from happiness. Hyunjin hugs her tightly, stroking her red hair.

They hear a knock on the door. "Come in." Hyunjin says still holding Clarissa. The door opens and he sees Felix. "Dinner is ready." Felix says. Hyunjin nods and Felix exits the room.

Hyunjin lifts up Clarissa's head and looks at her with a tender smile. "Our love is like magnolias. It's beautiful in the beginning, and at the end it'll turn brown. However, I want to be with you in this life and the next. We will never be apart." Clarissa smiles and they kiss each other. Locking their lips together for a few seconds. Hyunjin pulls away, still holding her head in his hands. "I love you." Clarissa smiles, biting her lip. "I love you."

They give each other another quick kiss and head out to the dining room and sit at the table with everyone else. Everyone except Renee. "Where's Renee?" Clarissa asks as she takes the seat in between Hyunjin and Jeongin. "She went to the store." Chan answers from across the table.

Everyone begins to make their plate as conversation starts to happen. "What happened to your eye?" Felix asks Hyunjin. "JYP found Dakota. I went and had some words with him. He got mad at me and punched me. Nothing a little make up won't fix." Hyunjin shrugs. "What did you say to piss him off?" Changbin asks as he starts to eat. "I called him trash." Everyone slightly chokes on their food. "What?" Hyunjin asks confused as Clarissa giggles. "You're not wrong. I guess we weren't expecting you to say that." Leeknow says as he feeds Danger, who has been hanging out with Leeknow a lot since he got there.

"I see that Danger has taken a liking to you." Clarissa says as she puts another bite in her mouth. "I like him too. He's been my little buddy." Leeknow says as he pets Dangers head.

A frantic Renee enters the dorm. "Hey babe!" Chan calls from the table. "Welcome home. I made you a plate." He says patting the chair next to him. "Thank you baby. I'm not hungry right now. Just put it in the microwave for me and I'll eat it when I'm hungry." She says as she heads for the bathroom. "Okaayyy." Chan says confused.

A few minutes pass and Renee comes out of the bathroom and enters the open living space. "Izzy and Clarissa, can I see you for a minute?" She asks, looking nervous. "Sure." Izzy and Clarissa get up from the table and follow Renee into Chans room. Renee closes the door and takes a deep breath. She closes her eyes and quietly says, "I'm pregnant."

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