Chapter 8: Love Untold

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Clarissa wakes up in a bed. She props herself up onto her elbow and looks around the room. Two big glass wonders covered with sheer white curtains that are having a hard time keeping the sunlight out. A desk up against the wall with a computer, a bookshelf, and then a bathroom with a walk in closet.

"Wait, I was in the living room." She thinks to herself confused. She looks towards the desk again, and notices that her jeans and sparkled shirt was folded and set on the desk. "Who changed my clothes? Oh no. That's embarrassing if one of the guys did it." She checks under the covers to see what she was wearing. A big T-shirt and some boxers. She lightly gasps, "WHOSE BOXERS AM I WEARING?!"

She hears the door open. "Good morning. I hope you slept well."

Clarissa sees Hyunjin walk in with a tray of breakfast. She notices that he looks rather nervous.

"I did actually. I thought I was in the living room though?" She asks while being handed the tray.

The tray had French toast, bacon, and an orange. There was also a glass of chocolate milk that was next to a small vase that had a red rose in it. She blushes at the sight of the rose.

"You were. I carried you in here to sleep. You didn't look very comfortable sleeping like that on the floor." Hyunjin explains to her.

She pauses.

"What about my clothes?" She says embarrassed and rather quiet, while taking a sip of her chocolate milk.

He chuckles, "Don't worry. I had your friend change you into some of my clothes so you were more comfortable."

"THESE ARE HYUNJINS CLOTHES?!" She chokes on the chocolate milk.

"Are you okay?" He asks her concerned, sitting across from her on the bed and reaching out to hold her hand.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm fine. Just a little shocked is all." She tries to stay calm and blushes hard from him holding her hand.

She looks at him, and she can tell that he is trying to read her.

"I mean like, you guys have been so nice to me. I just don't understand why? I know that I had the incident at the show, but I was fine when I got asked to come hang out with you guys." She explains as she peels the skin from the orange and starts to eat it.

"Honestly Clary,"

"I love that he only calls me Clary and not Clarissa. It's sexy."

"Honestly Clary, we knew that you were fine. Something about you just sparked me yesterday, and I told Chan that I wanted to be with you." Hyunjin says blushing not really making eye contact.

"Awww, he's shy." She smiles with slight rosy cheeks. "Uhm.." She sits there while still eating her orange trying to put words together. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little caught off guard."

"Did I say something wrong?" Hyunjins asks with a sad look.

"Oh my god no! Definitely not. I mean, I've been looking forward to your show for months. I always dreamed what it would be like to just be with you for a day. Now that it's actually happening, my nerves are just shot. I'm still not used to it. I mean, you're my favorite person in the world." Clarissa says to reassure him as she finishes her orange and takes another drink of her chocolate milk.

"Well, we are still hanging out here in America for a few days if you would like to stay and hang out with me and the rest of the boys?" He asks looking at her with a hopeful look in his eyes while biting the corner of his bottom lip.

"You know what, I would love that Hyunjin." She says with a big smile and a sparkle in her eye.

"God she's so beautiful." Hyunjin thinks to himself trying not to blush.

"Sounds good to me too Clary. Go ahead and finish your breakfast, and do whatever else you need to do this morning and I'll meet you out there in the living room probably." He gets up from the bed and starts to head out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Clarissa continues to eat her breakfast with a big smile and butterflies in her stomach. Clarissa stops to think. "I can't believe that that just happened. He wants to spend time with me. He wants to get to know me. Pinch me. I must be dreaming."

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