Chapter 28: The Big Move

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Clarissa puts her phone back in her purse and looks at Izzy.

"So, how did I even end up at the hospital?" Clarissa points a finger at Izzy, "And don't be a smart ass. I know the ambulance took me. I mean like, I didn't have a chance to call 911. Who found me?"

"I did." Izzy answers. "I didn't hear from you for hours after we texted. I checked your location and it said you were in a field in the middle of nowhere. I drove down there and saw the car at the bottom of the hill, upside down, and you laying next to it. I then called 911 and told Felix, I wasn't sure what was going on with you and Hyunjin at the time, so I told him just in case" she shrugs.

"Well thank you. I don't know what would've happened to me if you weren't looking out for me."

Izzy smiles at her, "No problem."

They pull up to Clarissa's apartment and she gets out of the car.

"I don't know how soon we're leaving, so I'm gonna head home and pack as well. What do I need?" She asks Clarissa.

"Hyunjin said just your clothes and toiletries. He said they have everything else back at the dorm." She smiles at her, excited for this new adventure.

"Okay then. I should be packed by the end of the day then." She waves and drives off to go to her apartment.

Clarissa heads upstairs and walks into her already unlocked apartment. She sees some suitcases already by the door. She doesn't see Hyunjin or Danger downstairs. She heads upstairs and sees Danger sleeping in her bed, and sees Hyunjin turned away from her, facing the sink in the bathroom.

She reaches for him and rests her hand on his shoulder, "Hey,"

"AAAHHH." Hyunjin slightly screams with a jump and quickly turns around. "Good god Clary. I didn't hear you come in. You scared me." He says holding his heart.

Clarissa giggles. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." He smiles and kisses her cheek. "I'm not sure what you want out of all this stuff." He says as he gestures to all of her makeup and beauty products in the bathroom.

"That's alright. I can go through it. I just need a box or something to put it in." She starts going through the items as Hyunjin goes to get a small box.

"Thank you." She says as she takes it and starts putting in her items.

Hyunjin stands in the doorway, admiring a bruised and broken Clarissa. Even though she doesn't look her best, his heart is still racing and he gets butterflies just from looking at her. He can't help but smile. Clarissa turns around, and sees him staring.


"You're just so sexy. I can't wait to make you mine, have you lying in bed next to me, you're gonna have so much fun in Korea. You have no idea." He smirks at her.

Clarissa blushes, and finishes packing up her stuff. "Well, that's it." She says hugging the box with one arm.

"Let me get that." Hyunjin takes the box and puts it with her other belongings by the front door. She follows him. He turns to look at her and puts his hands on her hips pulling her close. They stare into each other's eyes, so happy that they are together once again. Hyunjin leans down and kisses her forehead, then pulls her in for a hug. They sit there for a few seconds, holding each other. Loving each other's presence. The feeling of their bodies touching, nothing but euphoria.

"We should probably get going." Hyunjin says as he pulls out of the hug.

"Let me call Izzy and see where she's at." Clarissa says pulling out her phone.

"Hey girl." Izzy says as she answers the phone.

"Hey. We're all packed and ready to go."

"Okay cool. I just have one more thing to pack and then I'll be good to go as well. Can you guys pick me up? I sold my car to my parents since I can't take it to Korea with me."

"Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem. We will be there shortly."

"Okay, see you soon!"

She hangs up the phone and looks at Hyunjin as she puts it in her pocket. "We need to pick her up. She sold her car to her parents since she can't take it to Korea."

"That's fine." Hyunjin says as he starts to carry everything outside down to the car. Clarissa goes to help carry some things, but Hyunjin stops her.

"Don't worry baby girl. I got it. You just take it easy." He says with a smile. He takes the first load down, as Clarissa follows and gets in the car. Hyunjin goes back up with the second load, and packs it in the car. "I gotta go get Danger and then that's it." He comes down the stairs with Danger in a cat carrier, and puts him in the front seat with the driver.

"To the airport?" The driver asks.

"No, we need to get her friend first. She's coming with us."

Clarissa tells him the address and they head that way.

They pull up to Izzy's house, she's already outside with her things. Hyunjin gets out of the car and helps her load the car.

"Why thank you sir." She says smiling at him.

"No problem."

They finish packing up the car, and Izzy gets in. They start driving to the airport.

"I'm so excited!" Clarissa says with a big smile, again forgetting about her stitches.

Hyunjin smiles at her.

"I can't wait for us to get there." Izzy says with a smile.

"I'm glad you girls are excited. It's gonna be a wild ride with two girls in the dorm." He says slightly shaking his head. "Who knows what could happen?" He chuckles.

"I guess we'll see what the future holds." Izzy shrugs, still with a smile.

Things are going smoothly right now. Everything is falling into place. Clarissa looks at Izzy and Hyunjin, smiling. She's so excited and happy. She can't wait to get to Korea.

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