Chapter 6: SURPRISE

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"Hello? Can you hear me?" Clarissa hears a faint, distorted deep voice. She feels a cool cloth on her head, and she's lying on the floor.

"Everyone try to give her some air." She hears another voice say.

She slowly opens her eyes, her vision takes a minute to focus. She blinks a few times and takes some deep breaths. Her vision comes clear and she sees Stray Kids hovering over her.

 Her vision comes clear and she sees Stray Kids hovering over her

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Her heart starts beating out of her chest. "Where's Hyunjin?" She thinks to herself, disappointed that he's not here. She feels someone gently playing with her hair. She slowly looks up, and there he is. Hyunjin. Clarissas head resting in his lap. It feels like her heart stops beating. Her throat drops to her stomach as she tries to find words.

"Are you okay miss?" Chan asks worried.

"I-I think I'm okay." Clarissa responds, trying to not show her excitement.

As much as she is enjoying her time with Stray Kids, and lying in Hyunjins lap, she remembers Bella. "Uhm, I don't know if you guys by any chance know where my friend is? Her name is Isabella. She has blonde hair. She was wearing a-"

"A black dress with red heels? Yes, we do. She talked to security when she couldn't find you. She's over there sitting on the couch. I'll go let her know that you're awake." Felix responded to Clarissa with a kind smile on his face. He truly was sunshine.

Knowing that Clarissa is safe and awake, the other members start to slowly disperse. She tries to sit up from Hyunjins lap, but feels a hand gently rest on her shoulder to keep her down.

"You shouldn't get up yet. You still feel a little warm and you may have a concussion." Hyunjin says to Clarissa with concerning but caring eyes, continuing to fiddle with her hair.

She can't help but blush. This man is so beautiful. She can't believe this is even happening right now.

"Hey there girly. Are you doing okay?" Bella asks Clarissa as she sits next to her on the ground.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna be okay." For how long they've known each other, Izzy knows that Clarissa was freaking out on the inside and can't help but show a small smile.

A few minutes pass of the three of them sitting there, having awkward small talk. Felix approaches with a brownie wrapped in a napkin. "Would you like something to eat?" He asks handing to Clarissa.

"Actually yes. I would love one." As Clarissa slowly starts to sit up from Hyunjins lap, she feels his hand supporting her on the way up.

She takes the brownie from Felix and takes a bite. "This is probably the best brownie I've ever had." Clarissa looks over at Felix. "Thank you." She says with a smile.

Felix smiles and says, "You're welcome."

As Felix walks away, Isabella gets up and follows him; leaving Clarissa alone with Hyunjin. She turns around so she's able to see Hyunjin, along with the rest of the room. The room was huge. White walls with a grey bean bag, a red L couch, a tv, and 2-3 tables filled food, snacks and drinks.

"So what's your name?" Hyunjin asks looking at Clarissa.

"Is he really trying to get to know me, or is he just being nice?" Clarissa thought to herself.

"Clarissa. Clary for short." Clarissa answers Hyunjin, taking another bite of her brownie.

"Well, Clary. Did you enjoy the show?" He asks.

Clarissa got butterflies. Hyunjin sounds so sexy when he speaks English and when he says her name. "I did! Well, for what I saw of it. I think I passed out during Red Lights." Clarissa says embarrassed.

"There wasn't really much left. We ended up stopping early. We care about all of our STAYS and we're concerned and worried about you." He says trying to reassure Clarissa.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry that you ended up having to stop early. I hope the other STAYS aren't upset."

"They don't know anything about what happened. They just thought that the show was over."

"Oh, alright then." Clarissa still can't believe that Hyunjin is even sitting there talking to her.

Clarissa looks over to Izzy and Felix sitting on the couch across the way. She has the biggest smile on her face, laughing and having a good time while eating a brownie.

Clarissa looks back to where Hyunjin was sitting, and he was gone. Her heart dropped. She was really enjoying his company. She looked around the room to try and find him. Clarissa sees him talking to Chan by the food table. She decides to get up and go sit with Izzy.

"What are you guys doing?" Clarissa asks as she sits next to Isabella, while Felix sat on the other side of her.

"We're just talking about the show, how good his brownies are and Animal Crossing." Bella answers all giddy.

Clarissa smiles at her with a small laugh knowing that she was having the time of her life right now. Clarissa looks towards where Hyunjin and Chan are, and from the looks of it; they're having a serious conversation.

She gets up from the couch to get a drink of water. "Hey Clarissa." Chan calls out to her, gesturing me to come over to them. She cautiously walks towards them at the other end of the table not knowing what to expect.

"Yes..?" Clarissa asks nervously.

"We're still concerned about your health and safety. We were wondering if you would like to come to our hotel and stay with us until we know for sure that you'll be alright."

Clarissa looks at them, stunned. Not sure what to say.

"Uh, y-yeah. Why not? But, my friend.." She looks over at Izzy.

"She can come too. She's told me about how you guys have been together all these years." Chan said with a warming smile.

Clarissa goes over to Izzy to tell her the news, and she can't believe the news either. They all pack up their stuff and get ready to go to the hotel.

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