Chapter 22: A Steamy Goodbye

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Hyunjin wakes up at their destination and gently wakes up Clarissa. "We're here Clary." He whispers to her as she slowly starts to wake up. She yawns. Since it's a water day today, they decide to leave their phones in the car.

"Okay." Clarissa stretches and gets out of the car as Hyunjin follows.

They go to the concessions stand and rent a row boat.

"The row boats are at the dock." The concession worker says, pointing in the direction for them to go.

They find a row boat at the dock and take a seat across from each other, facing one another.

Clarissa starts to row and gets away from the dock, Hyunjin tries to help, but ends up taking them spinning in circles. They both laugh and Clarissa gives him some pointers. He eventually gets the hang of it, and they travel a little further past the middle of the lake, and decide to sit there and let the current take them.

"It sure is nice and peaceful here. Quiet." Hyunjin says resting back on his hands and closing his eyes, taking in the sun. He takes a deep breath, enjoying the moment.

"It is nice. I have missed this place." Clarissa looks at him, shining in the sun. His blonde hair pulled back into a small ponytail, his flawless skin beaming, his lips slightly open from being relaxed. "He's just perfect." She thinks to herself as she continues to stare.

Hyunjin opens his eyes and sees her staring at him. "What's up?" He smirks.

Clarissa clears her throat and looks into the water, watching the fish swim beneath them. "I'm sorry. I just can't help it. It's hard to not stare at someone as attractive as you are." She freezes, and blushes at the fact that she just admitted that she's attracted to him. Hyunjin shows a small smile, and licks his bottom lip.

"I can understand that." He says, getting up off of his hands, and resting his elbows on his knees; staring at her. "You're beautiful. I was actually a little shocked when you told me that you were a virgin. I thought guys would've been all over you cause, I mean, look at you. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He says reaching for her hands.

She holds his hands. "I don't want to say that I was waiting for the right guy to come along, cause I feel like that's what everyone says. But, I guess I never really got around to it. I was still in high school when my parents died, and ever since then I've just kind of been focusing on me and had to take care of myself. My grandparents are gone, I don't have any siblings, and I don't really have any Aunts or Uncles, they were never really family people. So I've been on my own since my parents passed. The only person I've really been around is Izzy. Never really thought about dating or anything." She explains to him as she plays with his hands.

Hyunjin again, just stares at her in awe. The lake water complimenting her dark green eyes, and her red hair hanging down, a little messy since all she did was brush it after she got out of the shower. This was his first time truly seeing her. No make up, no fancy clothes, just her. And he loves it.

"Is it hard to learn Korean?" She asks him, bringing him out of his trance.

"I mean, it can be. It really just depends on how dedicated you are."

"I've been thinking about it for a while now. The only reason I would want to learn it is because I can understand other KPop idols when they go live, or even just their music. I seem to find a way that I can manage though, so I haven't really gotten into doing it. English is also the only language I speak, so I don't know how well I can learn a new language." She shrugs.

"Well, I say you should do it. Being able to speak multiple different languages is nice. Easier to have conversations with certain people. Until you mix those languages together, then you just sound like a maniac." He laughs a little.

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