Chapter 25: Safe Haven

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Clarissa flutters open her eyes, it's dark out now. She's still in the car, but ended up being in the back seat. Windows are shattered, car pieces scattered everywhere.

She climbs out of the car and feels her shoulder pop, not in a good way. She manages to get out, but not far, and blacks out again.

She begins to awake and sees two men hovering over her, checking her vitals. She realizes she's in an ambulance.

"Ma'am, you've been in a car accident. Can you hear me?" One of the men ask.

Clarissa nods her head yes, still looking straight up.

"You're in an ambulance being taken to the hospital. You need stitches on your bottom lip from your teeth puncturing through. You may have a concussion and a broken clavicle, but the hospital will have to look at you since we don't have an X-ray." He explains checking her vitals.

Clarissa nods again, looking to her left to view her surroundings. She looks to the right, and sees Hyunjin sitting on the side of the ambulance wall. "Hyunjin..?" She asks weakly.

"Yes baby I'm here." He holds her hand. He looks at her with tears in his eyes. Seeing her bruised and cut, her lip all busted, his heart was broken. He wants to hold her, but restrains himself due to the medics needing to do their job.

Clarissa weakly smiles at him and slowly closes her eyes, feeling at peace with a full heart. She feels complete with him by her side, and she again, passes out.

They arrive at the hospital, and Clarissa gets taken back into a room. Due to the amount of her injuries, they tell Hyunjin to wait in the waiting room.

Hyunjin sits in the waiting room, shaking his leg impatiently. "Why was she driving? What the hell happened? Is she okay? Is she hurt too badly?" He keeps thinking to himself all of these questions.

Clarissa wakes up in a room with a sling on and two stitches on her lip. She looks around and notices that she's in a hospital room, alone. She sighs, "I guess it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Like he would come back for me, yeah right." Her heart now feels less full, but not like the first time when he left.

A nurse walks in realizing that she's awake. "Oh! How are you feeling? Is the pain alright? You have a broken clavicle. You also have a concussion so you'll need to take it easy for the next few days. The stitches in your lip should dissolve in a week or two. You just gotta be careful when you eat, I would try to stick with soft foods for the time being." She says as she checks her vitals and IV bags.

"I don't feel anything right now. I guess the pain meds are working." Clarissa looks at the nurse. "Hey, uhm, by any chance, did someone come with me on the ambulance?" She's hoping that the nurse says yes, but she's also expecting a no. It didn't hurt to ask though, right?

"Yes actually. He's been asking about you every 30 minutes. He seems to really care about you."

Clarissa gets a huge smile, forgetting about her stitches until she feels them yank on her lip; "It wasn't in my head. He's actually here." She thinks to herself. "How long have I been out?"

"About 4 hours." She rests her hand on the bar of Clarissa's bed. "We weren't sure if you were in a coma or not. I'm glad you're awake." She says with a subtle smile. "If it's okay with you, I'll send that boy in if you want to see him. I know he's wanting to see you." She laughs a little.

"Yes please." Clarissa says with a smile.

The nurse nods and walks out of the room. A few minutes later a stressed Hyunjin walks through the door. He swiftly walks over to her and hugs her tightly, tears forming in his eyes. Clarissa hugs him back with the one arm that she has available, trying to not smile too big, her heart racing with joy.

"I can't believe you're here." She says in his ear as they continue to hug.

Hyunjin sniffles, and pulls out of the hug; sitting next to her on the edge of the bed. "I came to surprise you. When I landed I got a call from Felix saying that you've been in an accident. Of course he knew cause of Izzy."

"Is she here?" Clarissa asks him, holding his hand, thrilled to have him back here with her.

"No, she was, but her parents called needing her for something. Before she left she mentioned to me a little bit about what happened. Why were you driving?" He asks with a concerned sad look in his eyes.

"I needed to clear my head. Everything else I tried didn't work like it usually does. So that was my last resort."

"What the hell happened? You lost control or something?"

"I tried to avoid a deer, and I guess I lost control then. I don't know. It's kinda fuzzy. I guess that would be from my concussion." She shrugs.

"I'm glad you're awake. I've been sitting in that waiting room forever. I honestly wasn't sure if you were ever going to wake up." His eyes fill with tears, and a couple slide down his cheeks. He feels bad for leaving her, he feels like this is all his fault.

"Hey," she squeezes his hand, "it's okay. I'll be fine. Everything will heal. My lip, my shoulder, even my concussion. That'll be the first thing to heal, but they will all get better." She tries to reassure him. She's never seen him in a state of sadness or has shown any vulnerability in the time that she's been with him. She sits up and pulls him in for a hug.

Hyunjin stops in the middle of the hug and gently kisses her top lip. "I'm so sorry for leaving the way that I did." He says resting his forehead on hers. "The guys kept getting onto me because of how close we were getting. Things can get dicey for a KPop idol if they're in a relationship. So I didn't know how else to cut it off." He says pulling back, still holding hands.

"I can understand that, but the way that you left really hurt me. Made me feel like garbage. But it's not like we were in a relationship." She looks at him with hope, wanting to be in a relationship with him.

He looks away from her, blushing a little. "Clary, the feelings I have for you, I've never felt for anyone else. When I went back to Korea, you were all that I could think about. Yes, we do have a small break right now from work, but even during our breaks we still have to do some things. Either way, I wasn't giving it my all like I usually do. I was too distracted thinking about you. I wasn't eating right, and I stayed in my room a lot. I just wanted you. Chan and all the other members started noticing and that's when they let me come back to talk to you. I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. I promise it won't happen again. You're definitely not garbage. Even broken and bruised, you're still beautiful." He says resting his hand on her cheek with a sweet smile.

Clarissa puts her hand on his with happy tears. She grabs his hand and kisses the inside of it the best that she could.

He smiles with rosy cheeks and looks at her, "The boys and I were talking, and uhm," he chuckles a little, "Would you like to come to Korea with me?"

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