Chapter 21: Secret Secret

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Clarissa looks up at Hyunjin, his mouth hanging open, shocked.

"Wh-what?" He asks her, making sure he heard Clarissa right.

"I was a virgin."

"You mean, before we did what we did?" He asks pointing at the two of them and the bed.


"Oh dear god." He says running his hands down his face, and then puts his head in his hands.

Clarissa sits there in silence not sure what to do.

"I'm sorry, I just, I wasn't expecting it. I'm just worried now." Hyunjin says with a sigh.

"About..?" Clarissa asks in confusion.

"That you're gonna go around telling everyone that I was your first." He looks at her with his brown eyes, concerned.

"I would never! I know what would happen if I went around telling people. The only friend I have is Izzy. I don't have to tell her if that makes you feel better. I promise. I'm not gonna do that to you." She sits in the bed next to him and rests her hand on his shoulder, hoping to reassure and comfort him.

He sighs again. "Okay." He gets up to walk out of the room and sees Chan in the kitchen. Hyunjin turns back around hoping to avoid conversation.

"Hyunjin, come here." Chan says calling for him. Hyunjin stops in his tracks, closes his eyes tightly and bites his lip. Nervous for the conversation ahead. He turns around and goes to Chan.

"Yes?" He asks sitting at the counter.

"It's the last day. Don't do anything too crazy that you're not gonna want to leave. You gotta let her down easy." Chan says while still making his breakfast.

Hyunjin takes a deep breath, contemplating on what to say. "Again, don't worry. I got this. I already know how to handle it." Hyunjin is hoping that his answer is going to get Chan off of his back, even though he's said multiple times.

"What are you and Clarissa doing today?" He asks.

"I don't know yet. I'm sure we'll have to stop at her house again though so she can shower and changed her clothes." Yes, he knows that she already showered, but he needs to not give anything away.

"Just don't be out too late. Our flight leaves at 5 in the morning so you need to be ready." Chan looks at Hyunjin.

"Okay." Was all he could say. He gets up from the counter and goes back into the room. "What do you want to do today?" He asks as he enters the room, looking at Clarissa.

"How about row boating? It's something that I used to do with my Dad all the time, and I thought it would be a nice experience with you." Clarissa says smiling at him.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. I would like to see something that you and your Dad used to do." He holds out his hand to help Clarissa up off the floor. "Do we need to stop at your place?"

"No. I already showered, and we're going row boating. I don't need nice clothes. Something comfy is just right. So these'll work." She says as she gestures to Hyunjins clothes that she's wearing after she got out of the shower.

"Well okay then."

They head out of the room and down to the lobby quickly to avoid conversation. They see the driver waiting outside for them.

"How does he always know?" Clarissa whispered in his ear.

Hyunjin smiles and chuckles a little. "I send them a message when we're about to head out. They literally just wait by the car until they hear from someone."

They enter the car, and Hyunjin holds her.

"Where to sir?" The driver asks.

"To, uhm, uh.." He looks at Clarissa. "Where are we going?" He asks with a little laughter.

"To Bear Lake please." Clarissa said with a smile.

The driver starts heading to Bear Lake. It's a long drive, so they stop to get some snacks. Hyunjin grabs some fruit and a water, and Clarissa grabs a bag of hot Cheetos and an Arizona. They get back in the car and continue their journey. Hyunjin puts his hand on her thigh and she rests her head on his shoulder. Again, the driver notices this but doesn't comment.

After snacking and sitting in the car for what felt like forever, they both fell asleep.

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