Chapter 23 - Heart and Mind

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Zalan wasn't sure how long he had remained in the brooding, catatonic parts of his mind, but he knew for certain when he was lucid once more. Fran, Rep, Gorb, and Yelsa were looking him over with concern and compassion. He was sitting upright against a tree, cold sweat drying from the top of his head to the base of his neck. His eyes were dry. He took a waterskin offered to him by Yelsa and hydrated himself. He wasn't hungry, thanks to the Satiator, but he felt cold all the way down to his innermost core. The water was warm after being heated by Rep and it revitalized him to the point of being able to speak again.

"Thank you," he said, offering the water back, then looking at his companions. "Thank you," he repeated, this time intending to thank them all for their help. "I don't know what happened to me."

"The amount of people that can withstand the Mind of Madness are few. Those who have survived a full-on blast are legendary. Even a tiny part of its power is unbearable. I am pleased you are beyond the worst of it," Gorb said seriously.

He held out an arm to see if Zalan wanted help standing. Zalan took it and stretched his legs, only then realizing how sore they had become holding themselves in a tight ball for so long. He looked around apprehensively in the direction the Mind of Madness was drifting. It was out of sight at this time.

"What is that thing? Are Mind of Madnesses all over the place?" Zalan asked, as he continued to look around in various directions. He was shivering slightly despite the temperate air of the forest.

"As far as we know, there is only one in the world," Yelsa replied. "It roams the land when it pleases, but always returns home to a lightless mine known as the Depths of Despair near the city of Nightfall."

"It is one of the lesser Beasts of Slumber," Rep added, a serious inflection in his voice.

"What's a Beast of Slumber?" Zalan asked, already disturbed by the name alone.

"The worst creatures in the realm. The most powerful, destructive monsters that we know of. Pray you do not find yourself ever facing one," Rep said gravely. "Fortunately, unlike the Mind of Madness, the Beasts of Slumber do not move unless provoked. They have not even been seen in the realm in years."

"And the Mind of Madness just drifts around any time it isn't home? So, it could be anywhere?" Zalan asked.

The four travelers nodded gravely.

"Very few have tried to attack it, as all it takes is a single gaze to render you unable to fight. Perhaps, unable to live," Fran said.

"Can you walk? I think some movement would help you feel better," Rep suggested.

"Sure, let's make some more distance," Zalan nodded, wanting to get as far away from this spot as possible.

They continued their journey to the castle and only after a few steps did Zalan realize how slow they were moving. He was setting the pace, and it was a gradual one. His steps were more methodical, as if every movement counted. He felt more grateful to be alive than he could ever remember. But his heart throbbed as though it was bruised, still bearing the pains of the Mind of Madness. His thoughts kept trying to drift to his mother. A flash of her radiant smile. The revitalizing feeling of a warm hug. Eating a meal made with love. And he would cast the thought away before he became forlorn. It wasn't long after they reached a clearing not far from where they started and Rep suggested they make camp.

"Right now? But there's..." Zalan trailed when he saw the sun was no longer overhead, but much further along its trajectory in the sky, ready to sink into the horizon in an hour or so. He blinked, not understanding. "How long was I out of it?" he asked, confused and concerned.

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