Hey hey hey, fuck my life.

15 3 8

Yall, I am fucking venting.

So, in my drama class (the one thing I look forward to) we're doing melodramas.

So, we read a little comic strip and my teacher said we'd be going into groups of five and acting it out.

Guess how many of my best friends were there? Four! Fucking dream team!

Then my teacher said she'd be picking groups.

And so, she did that 'one two, one two, repeat a couple times.' thing then told all the ones to group together, and all the twos to group together.

Guess who I was in a group with?

One of my friends

A guy who probably only picked drama because he thought it was easy, and got told off every fucking lesson

And two bestie bitches.

So, I was trying to not kill something, and was like 'who does everyone wanna play?'

One if the bestie bitches went 'what are we doing?'


Bitch, the fuck-

So we explained what we were doing in groups whilst holding scripts, and I stated that I wanted to be a villain, because I like playing villains.

The other bestie bitch then said she was gonna play the villain.

She didn't ask, she straight up said 'I'm playing the villain'

Fine. Bitch.

I ended up as the fucking narrator.

I want to kill something.

So, in this melodrama, the damsel is tied to train tracks by the villain, the hero is trapped. The hero escapes, saves the damsel. Very simple.

Many problems.

So, bestie bitch 1 was playing the damsel, and she straight up refused to lie or sit on the ground.

Then bestie bitch 2 playing the villain kept adding into her lines. Now, this wouldn't be much of a problem, except...

Original line: tell me where the money is or else

What she said: tell me where the money is or else I'll kill ya, ba


AND THEN, bestie bitch 1 spoke in the most monotone voice imaginable. And she was quiet as fuck.

So she's just mumbling her lines without any energy, and I can hardly hear her.

And then these bitches get mad at ME for not knowing when to say my line.


And then... we had to perform for the class.

So, I am hamming it up. I am embarrassing myself.

And these BITCHES are doing NOTHING.

I hate them all.

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