Chapter 31

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Even though Aiden and I had talked. I'm thinking of breaking up with him. He has been dropping hints about wanting sex. I just didn't want to. Why couldn't he understand that? Am I wrong for not being ready or thinking that he's not the one? I mean I love him but I am not ready to give my body to him. Surely he wouldn't try to force me right? I sighed as I stared at the text I was about to send Aiden.
We need to talk.

I then heard a knock on my bedroom door. I looked up to see my dad Niall.
"Hey princess, dinner is almost ready." He said as he sat by me on my bed.
"I'm not really hungry." I said sadly.
"What wrong?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around me.
"What makes you think something is wrong?" I asked.
"Please, you have my appetite so now spill." My dad said with a chuckle.
"I...I'm thinking of breaking up with Aiden." I said.
"Does that make me a bad person? I mean I don't want to but I kind of do." I said.
"Why do you want break up with Aiden?" My dad asked.
"He keeps dropping hints about wanting sex, but I'm not ready." I said.
"Listen Princess, what I'm about to tell you may be coming from personal experience but I want you to decide for yourself what you want to do."
"You may not remember much about your biological father, but unlike you and Aiden, we weren't dating when we had sex. It was more of a hook up and we started dating an about a year after you were born. All I'm saying is I don't want you to regret having sex before you are ready." My dad said.
I bit my lip and nervously and looked him in the eyes with tears forming.
"D-do you regret having me?" I asked.
"What? No of course not. Do I wish your father and I had waited and dated a bit before having you, yes, but I don't regret having you." My dad said.
"How came you never talk about him?"
"He is a part of my past I wish to forget." My dad said and wiped my tears.
"But what if he ends up coming back or trying to contact me or you?" I asked.
"If and when the time comes, I will let you make the decision for yourself on what you want to do. But about Aiden dear. Just listen to your heart and if you and Aiden end up taking a break, that's okay. If it's meant to be between you two, you'll find your way back to each other. Now how about dinner!"
I laughed as my dad thought about food.
"I'll be right down. Give me a minute." I said.
"Of course, I love you." My dad said kissing my forehead and went down stairs.
We need to talk.

After I sent that to Aiden I went downstairs and had dinner with my family. I just hoped I was making the right decision.

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