Chapter 21

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It has been three days since my baby girl was taken. I know she's not a baby but she's only 7. Who would take her from me. The police have no leads and this is causing me to stress which is not helping me with this pregnancy. Liam has been helping me through this but it's just not enough. I just want my little girl back.
Courtney's POV
I have been with Papa for three days. I miss daddy but I'm happy I get to see papa. I only really like him and Calum. They play with me. The others are mean and don't play with me. I was wandering around trying to find papa. I had something for him but I don't see him. I continued to look around when i see a light in a room with the door slightly open.
"Papa?" I say as I knock on the door. He turns around with a serious face on which scares me. He's mad at me. I think and start to cry. He rushes over to me and picks me up.
"What's wrong princess?" He asks with a slight sad face.
"You're mad at me" I say and start to cry more.
"I could never stay mad at you princess. Papa is a little upset that you interrupted his meeting but I could never stay mad at you" he says and kisses my forehead.
I sniffle and cuddle closer to him.
"Now what's wrong princess do you need something?" Papa asked. I looked over at his friends and they looked annoyed well all of them except Calum.
"No. I just wanted to give this to you papa" I say and hand him the picture I made him with a smile.
"This is beautiful princess. Papa loves it. Now why don't you go play while papa finishes up his meeting." Papa says and sets me down.
"Then can we play?!" I asked excitedly
"Yes princess now run along." Papa says and I leave with a smile on my face. While daddy is in his meeting I play with my Ariel doll.
Ashton's POV
After my little disruption the guys were looking at me.
"What?" I say annoyed
"That little kid of yours is getting to be a real pain" Mikey says
"I agree. She's always around at the most inconvenient time" Luke says
"Well deal with it. She's my daughter so get used to it. Do you have anything to add Calum?!" I say in anger
"N-no" Calum says. I see how he is with Courtney. I know he doesn't have anything to say because he treats my daughter well. I would hurt him real bad if he didn't but that's besides the point.
"Okay back to this meeting then," I say. I was making a plan to get Niall back and get rid of that Liam dude. Niall, Courtney and I were going to be a family again whether Niall liked it or not.
After the meeting I left the room and found my daughter laying on the couch holding her Ariel doll napping. I must have been in that room for a while. I looked at the clock. 4pm I was in that room for a good fours hours with the boys.
"Princess wake up" I say and shake Courtney lightly.
"Papa" Courtney says tiredly
"Yeah it's me princess. you want dinner?" I say
Courtney nods trying to get the sleep out of her eyes. I take her hand and we head to the kitchen. I make spaghetti with meatballs. Courtney ate her spaghetti with very little sauce and no meat balls. I did the complete opposite.
"How is it princess?" I ask
"Good!" Courtney says and continues to eat.
After dinner we play for a bit. I play princes and princesses with my daughter who I would do anything for just to see her happy. We then got ready for bed.
"Night princess" I say
"Night papa. I love you" Courtney says
"Night princess. I love you too" I say and kiss her forehead and then leave the little mermaid themed room. I then go to my own room exhausted. Soon Niall. Soon we will be together again.

(What do you think should happen? Leave your ideas!)

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