Chapter 18

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It has been 4 months since we told Courtney she was going to be a big sister but she still doesn't want one. I don't know what to do. Liam and I both want her to accept that she's going to have a sibling but we just don't know what to do. I can't be stressing about this! I take a deep breath and sit down. I could hear the tv on which meant Courtney was watching tv.
"Courtney" I say as I waddle over to her
"Yes daddy?" Courtney says looking at me with a smile while holding her Ariel doll.
"Would you like to come with daddy to see if you are getting brother or sister?" I asked hoping she would say yes.
"No! I only child!" Courtney says stubbornly.
"Courtney Ann! You are not going to be an only child anymore! You will come to the doctors with me whether you like  it or not." I yell. I didn't mean to yell but when I saw the tears in my daughters I instantly regretted it. Courtney then ran up to her room with her Ariel doll.
I then fell to my knees crying I wish Liam was here and not working.

Ashton's POV
I have been away on a business trip for a week and when I came home I was furious. Let me explain. I had gotten a packaged envelope sent to me. I took the envelope and mail inside and thought nothing of it. I set my mail down and sat down on the couch with the package could be. Hmm no return address. I open it and then what I see angers me immensely.

Full Custody agreement.
This statement hereby states that Ashton Fletcher Irwin is stripped of his parental rights of Courtney Ann Irwin. If the parents wishes to see his daughter, Niall Horan and/or Liam Payne must be present. Also if Ashton Irwin wants Mr. Horan to reconsider this he must agree to go to anger management/therapy for a year. Mr.Irwin is not allowed to leave the state or country with his daughter until further notice.

Andrews Law Firm.

I can't believe this! He thinks he can just try and take my daughter away. He will pay for this. Just then I heard my phone ring. I looked to see Niall's name.
"Niall! Is this some sort of sick joke because I swear I'll-" I was cut off by not Niall's voice but my daughter's voice.
"P-papa?" Courtney said with a sniffle
"Hey princess how did you get daddy Niall's phone" I asked sweetly. Even though I was angry I wasn't going to show it around my daughter.
"He left it on the table near the tv" Courtney said and sniffled.
"What's wrong princess?" I asked sweetly
"Daddy h-having b-baby. I no want sibling!" Courtney says and cries. My fist clenched tightly as I thought of Niall with another man. He was mine!
"Well I'll tell you what princess. How about tomorrow night when your daddy and papa Liam are asleep I come see you. Will that make you feel better?" I say
"Y-yes" Courtney sniffled
"Now I want you to go to that appointment with daddy and don't mention this phone call to daddy." I say
"I love you papa" Courtney says
"I love you to my princess. I'll see you tomorrow night." I say and hang up. I would see my daughter one way or another and Niall won't stop me. I then threw the paper on the table and went to my gym to let my anger out.

Niall's POV

I was on the floor still crying. I had my appointment soon and Courtney still hasn't come out of her room. What am I going to do?
"Daddy?" I look up to see Courtney. I was shocked as she comes over and hugs me.
"I'm sorry daddy I go with you" she said which made me happy. We then head to the car. Once inside I drive to the the clinic.
"Ready to see what your having?" The doctor said
"Yes" I say happily
"Well Niall it looks like you are getting a son" the doctor says and I couldn't help but smile. I wipe my stomach off and hug Courtney.
"Daddy?" Courtney says
"Your getting a little brother Courtney" I say happily and kiss her cheek. I then make my next appointment after I get my sonogram copies and head home. I couldn't wait to tell Liam he is having a son.

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