Chapter 2

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My face went pale when I saw a text from Ashton.
Where are you?! Get home now! Ashton texted me.
"I-I'll be home soon" I texted back.
You better be! Ashton texted back
"Courtney! It's time to go!" I say. Courtney runs over to me with a smile on her face. I had a feeling that smile would be gone when we got home though.
"Daddy look! I find caddy piller!" Courtney says showing me the little bug.
"It's nice sweetie but we got to let it go" I say
"Why daddy?" Courtney says curiously
"Because then it can't become a butterfly" I say
"Oh! Here you go" Courtney says and sets the caterpillar down. I smile and grab her folder.
"Carry me daddy!" Courtney says happily.
I pick Courtney up and head to the car. I put the folder in her back pack and zip it up. I then put Courtney in her car seat. I then quickly but safely drive home. I quickly get courtney and her back pack out of the car and grab mine as well. I rush inside and close the door.
"Niall is that you?!" Ashton yells
"Okay listen to me princess very carefully. I want you to go upstairs to your room and shut the door. Don't come out until I say so" I tell Courtney and she runs upstairs. As soon as the door shuts the fighting began.

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