Chapter 6

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I screamed as Ashton threw a bottle of beer at me but luckily I ducked in time to dodge it.
"Where is Courtney?!" Ashton yells in anger
"Not here!" I yell feeling confident for once.
"Where the hell is she Niall?! You think you can hide her from me?! She's my daughter too!" Ashton yells
"She's safe away from you! You sick bastard!" I say in anger.
"What did you just say to me?" Ashton says very calmly as he walks towards me while I slowly back into the wall.

"N-Nothing " I stutter scared

"Want to try again?" Ashton says angrily

I nod scared of Ashton.

"Where is Courtney?!" Ashton says anger in his voice.

"She's with my mom and dad" I say

"And you didn't think to console me first!" Ashton yells.

"I'm s-sorry Ashton" I say scared

"If you ever do something without asking me again I swear to god Niall that you will regret it. Do I make myself clear!" Ashton yells causing me to flinch. Ashton then kicks me in the knee causing me to collapse on the floor in a ball as tears run down my face.

"I said do I make myself clear!" Ashton yells as he pulls me up by my hair causing me to cry out in pain.

"Y-yes" I say. Ashton then throws me to the ground and goes to the kitchen. He comes back with a beer in his hand.

"Get out of my sight. Go make dinner" Ashton says. I run well more like limp to the kitchen and start to make dinner.

"A-Ashton" I say coming into the living room hesitantly

"WHAT?!" Ashton yells

"D-dinner" I say scared.

"About time!" Ashton says and walks past me and sits down and starts to eat.

I sit down by him and start to eat as well. I am really glad that Courtney was not here right now.

"Good job babe. Finally getting better at cooking a decent meal compared to the other crap you have made" Ashton says. I can tell he's drunk. I wish I had my sweet Ashton back. I collect our plates and start to wash our dishes. I can feel Ashton behind me as he touches my body.

"A-Ashton what are y-you doing" I ask as he touches me

"Come up stairs" Ashton says and pulls me upstairs. Ashton pushes me on the bed and gets on top of me and starts to kiss me. I don't kiss back.

"Kiss back!" Ashton yells in anger. I hesitantly kiss back and next thing I knew our clothes our off and Ashton has rough and painful sex with me. I fall asleep crying like almost every other night. I really wish I could leave him but I'm so scared and not to mention Courtney needs her Papa. What do I do?!

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