Chapter 27

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I can't believe it. July went by so fast. It's finally August! My little boys would be born soon! It went by so fast. Liam has been so helpful and taken a few weeks off work to help me. Courtney was just sitting around playing with her Ariel doll. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
"Liam!" I call in pain.
Liam then comes running down as fast as he can.
"What?! What is it?!" Liam said frantically.
"I-I think the twins are coming!" I say in a bit of pain.
"What! There a few days early!" Liam said
"So! I think they want to come now! Get my bag!" I yelled. Liam frantically grabbed my bag and took me out to the car. Once he helped me in and was about to leave I stopped him.
"What?" He asked
"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked. Liam looked around.
"You, bag, Courtney. Oh my god! Courtney!" Liam said and ran inside to get Courtney while I tried to control my breathing. Once he put a courtney in the car he started to drive as quickly as he could to the hospital.
"Breathe in and out Niall!" Liam said as he drove.
"Shut up!" I said in pain!
Once we arrived Liam got courtney out first and then grabbed the bag out and helped me inside.
"Help my husband is in labor!" Liam yelled in a frantic. A nurse came over and wheeled animal to a room with me following behind.
I can't believe I was going to meet my babies soon!

Liam's POV
I can't believe my sons will be born soon. I'm so excited but I'm also nervous at the same time. I held Niall's hand each time he had a contraction. My mother was in the waiting room with my dad, Niall's mom and brother and Courtney.
"Agh!" Niall screamed in pain and squeezed my hand.
"It hurts!" Niall screamed as another contraction came.
"Shh love it will be okay" I say trying to reassure him.
"Okay Niall let's see how far you are." The doctor said and checked Niall
"You are only six center meters. Would you like an epidural to reduce the pain?" The doctor asked
"Yes!" Niall screamed. The doctor then turned Niall to his side and told me to hold him still. I held him still the best I could as they put a need in his back. Once they pulled it out he was back on his back again.
"Okay Niall that should reduce the pain. You should just feel some pressure now when you have your contractions" the doctor said.
"Try to get some rest love" I say to a tired Niall. Niall then closes his eyes.
Another four hours past by and two more contractions had come since then.
"We're almost there!" The doctor said and Niall groaned.
It felt like forever but it was finally time to push.
"Okay Niall! It's time to push!" The doctor said
Niall then started to push.
"Again!" The doctor said and Niall pushed as he gripped my hand tight.
"Again!" The doctor said and another push went.
"I see the head! Push!" The doctor said.
Niall pushed again and and then once more and we heard a cry.
"It's a boy! Congratulations!" Niall looked exhausted but we had one more baby to go. Five minutes later Niall was pushing and our second boy was brought into the world.

Micah Robert Payne
Born on August 4th, 2016
7 lbs 8oz 12 inches
8:05 pm
Ezra James Payne
Born on August 4th, 2016
6 lbs 10 oz 12 inches
8:10 pm

I could not believe I had two sons.
"I'll be right back love" I say and head out into the waiting room.
"Who would like to meet our newest additions?" I say
"Me!" Courtney says excitedly.
She was finally excited she was getting two brothers instead of one. It made Niall and I very happy. We then headed into the room again and our babies were passed around.
"What names did you decide on?" My mom asked
"Well my mom is holding Micah Robert Payne and Karen is holding Ezra James Payne" Niall said
We then took some family picture with the new additions. At that moment I could not be happier with my life.

(What should happen next?)

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