Chapter 14

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I can't believe it. Liam and I have been dating for 6 months. I haven't even heard from Ashton since then which scares me. I wasn't going to worry about that now though because today my princess turns 7 today. She's growing up so fast. Next thing I know she'll be a teenager.
"Daddy! I is 7 today!" Courtney says excitedly.
I know princess. What do you want to do for your birthday?" I ask her curiously.
"I want to play with Aiden! No I want to go to that new princess place! No I want to go to the park! I can't decide daddy!" Courtney says starting to cry.
"Shhh it's okay baby." I say trying to calm Courtney down. I was trying to calm Courtney down that I didn't hear a knock on the door until it got louder.
"Oh Liam thank god your-" I say but am stopped when I see Ashton.
"A-Ashton" I stutter as I tighten my grip on my daughter.
"What are you doing here?!" I say nervously.
"What I can't visit my daughter on her birthday." Ashton says annoyed.
"How did you even find me? And no you can't. She doesn't need a father who hits her other one."
"Papa?" Courtney says wiping her eyes.
"Hey birthday girl. Papa has something for you" Ashton says and hands Courtney a present.
Courtney takes it and looks at me.
"I open it daddy?" Courtney asks
"I don't think-" I say not like the idea but of course Ashton cuts me off.
"Of Course princess!" Ashton says glaring at me. Courtney opens it to see a nice looking doll.
"Thank you papa!" Courtney says happily.
"Your welcome princess" Ashton says and kisses her.
"Princess. Why don't you go play for a bit until Liam gets here. Papa and I need to talk" I say as I set Courtney down.
"Okay daddy! Bye papa! I love you!" Courtney says and runs off with her toy from Ashton.
"I'm getting full custody of Courtney" I say to Ashton.
"Like hell you are! She's my daughter too!" Ashton yells in anger.
"You are not a father! A father should not only love their child but their partner as well. You don't deserve the love Courtney gives you with how crappy you treated me!" I yelled in anger.
"Courtney is my daughter too! It's not my fault you can't do anything right!" Ashton yells
"Maybe to you but to Liam and Courtney I can do things right! Stay away from me and MY daughter!" I yell.
Next thing I knew I was slammed up against a wall.
Courtney's POV
What was taking daddy and papa so long? I want to go have fun. Today is my birthday! Being the curious child I am I grabbed my doll papa gave me and headed to the door. I open it to hear papa and daddy fighting.
"Stay away from MY daughter!" I heard daddy yell and then papa slammed daddy up against a wall. My eyes widened in shock.
"She is my daughter too and you will not take away my rights to see her!" I heard papa yell.
"I will if I have too! She deserves two parents that love her and each other. Not two that are always fighting." Daddy Niall yelled.
"Don't raise your voice at me!" Papa yelled and hit daddy. I could feel tears coming to my eyes. I ran out in tears.
"Daddy! Papa stop it!" I yell
"I will see her Niall!" Papa yelled and hit daddy again.
"Happy birthday Courtney" papa said and kissed my forehead then left. I ran over to daddy with tears and hugged him.
"Shhh princess it's over" daddy said and stood up in pain and took my hand.
Niall's POV
"How about we get cleaned up and then we'll go that princess place and then we'll ask Aiden if he wants to go to the park" I say with a smile.
"Yay!" Courtney said happily. I really need to get full custody of Courtney she doesn't deserve this. She's only 7 and she doesn't need the violence in her life. One day Ashton is going to take it too far and and I can't bare the thought of him hurting my baby.
"Daddy! Liam here!" Courtney says happily as I finish cleaning myself up. I open the door to Liam smiling.
"Hey birthday girl! I got you presents" Liam says looking at Courtney.
"Don't you mean present?" I say.
"Well yes but there is one or two from our parents to her as well." Liam says and then frowns when he sees my bruised face.
"What happened?!" Liam panics
"Can we talk about it later. Today is Courtney's day" I say with a small smile.
"Of course love" Liam says and kisses me.
"Ew!" We heard Courtney say and both chuckle.
"Present please!" Courtney says happily
Liam then hands her the first one.
"Here you go princess" Liam says and puts a box down. Courtney was about to open it but is behind me as soon as it moved.
I looked at Liam curiously but he just grinned. What did he get her?
"Go on princess. I'm right here" I say trying to encourage her. Even though she is 7 now Courtney gets scared easily. Courtney cautiously opens the box and squeals when a puppy pops out.
"Puppy!" Courtney says happily.
"You really shouldn't have" I say with a sigh
"Our parents did and look she loves it." Liam says wrapping his arms around me.
"Here's another one courtney this is from both your dad and me" Liam's says.
Courtney opens to see not only a Jessie doll, but a woody and buzz light year as well.
"Toy story!" Courtney says happily
Liam laughs at her excitement.
"Okay Courtney lets go to the princess place if you still want to go!" I say with a chuckle.
Courtney grabs her coat and shoes. I tie her shoes and we leave. We get there and hour later.
"Faster daddy!" Courtney says happily. I open the door and unbuckle her. I grab her hand and she grabs Liam's with the other and we go inside. She looks around and runs to the Ariel boutique.
"Courtney!" I say in a panic and run after her with Liam following behind.
"Don't you dare run off like that again!" I say sternly.
"Sorry daddy!" Courtney says
"It's okay princess" I say and then somebody dressed in a little mermaid costume comes over and Courtney squeals in excitement. The princess just hugs her and I get a picture. She then does Courtney's hair and make up. I then take a picture again. She helps her put on a little mermaid dress. I then take one last picture of Courtney all dressed up. I then ask the princess if she can take a few pictures and she agrees. She takes one of both Courtney and I. She then takes one of Liam and Courtney and then takes of of Courtney with both of Liam and I.
"Happy birthday princess" I say and kiss her and hear a snap. I knew Liam probably took a picture but then noticed the princess with my phone still and both Liam and I were kissing Courtney's cheeks. I take it from the princess and she wished Courtney a happy birthday and we paid and left. We then headed to the park and I called Harry to see if he could bring Aiden and he said yes. Now Courtney is playing with Aiden. Aiden gave Courtney a beautiful silver bracelet for her birthday that he made himself. They played for a few hours and then we headed back to my place for cake.
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Courtney. Happy birthday to you!" We sang and Courtney blew out the candles.
"What you wish for princess?" I ask
"Can't tell! Or it won't come true!" Courtney says with a smile.
We then had cake.
"So princess what you going to name your new puppy?" I ask Courtney
"Boy or girl?" Courtney asks
"Boy" Liam says
"Balto!" Courtney says happily!"
"Balto it is then" I say
Aiden and Harry then left.
"Here's one more present from Courtney from our parents!" Liam says
I then help Courtney open the envelope.
"Is this what I think it is?!" I say in shock
"Yup! It's a trip to Disney!" Liam says
"YAY!" Courtney says and hugs Liam.
"Make sure to thank your Grandmas and Grandpas" Liam says with a smile and Courtney nods.
Liam and I then put Courtney to bed who goes to sleep with a smile on her face.
"So where did you get that bruise?" Liam says as soon as Courtney is asleep.
"Courtney's other father" I say
"You should get a restraining order or something" Liam says
"I know but Courtney loves her Papa." I say with a sigh.
"But she probably loves you more. Just think about what's best for not just her but you as well." Liam says
"I will" I say and kiss Liam. Next thing I knew I fell asleep in Liam's arms forgetting about Ashton.

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