Chapter 8

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Today is the day. Today my baby girl comes home from my moms. I have missed her but I needed to get her away from Ashton's anger for a bit. I would never forgive myself if my daughter were to get seriously hurt. I was getting ready to go get Courtney when I heard my phone vibrate.

"Hey it's me Liam but you probably already knew that. Anyway want to hangout today?" Liam texted me and then I saw a text from my best friend Louis.

"Hey want to hangout today. I haven't seen you in forever!" Louis texted me.

I decide to text Louis first

Sure. Mind if I bring Courtney and a friend. I text back

"Sure! The more the merrier!" Louis texts back

"Okay. What time?" I ask

"How about 1?" Louis text

"Meet me at the park near my house?" I say

"okay see ya then" Louis texts

I then text Liam.

"I would love to hangout. Mind if I bring a friend and my daughter?"

"No I don't mind :*" Liam texts me. I blush when I see the kiss emoji. I then head towards my mom's place.

"Daddy!" Courtney says as I open the door.

"hey princess, were you good?" I ask with a smile

"Yes Grandma and I have fun! So did grandpa and I!" Courtney says and I grab her stuff.

"Want to go to the park?" I ask Courtney as we leave

"YAY!" Courtney says and I put her in the car and go to the park. Courtney plays with her favorite stuffed animal.

"Here we are!" I say with a smile

"Yay!" Courtney says again. I get her out of her car seat and take her hand and walk over to the playground with her. I could see Louis and Liam over by the picnic area.

"Uncle Lou!" Courtney says and runs over to Louis and hugs him

"Hey butterfly how are you?" Louis asks Courtney

"Good!" Courtney says and Louis puts her down and she runs over to Liam

"Hi! You friend of daddy?" Courtney asked

Liam bends down and smiles "Yes my name is Liam. I remember you. I was at your granma's with my dad and mom"

"I remember you!" Courtney says and surprisingly hugs Liam.

Courtney then runs off to play in the sandbox while I talk with Louis and Liam.

"How have you been?" Louis ask

"Good just ready for school to be done" I say

"I hear ya" Louis says

"Same here" Liam says and we all talk about different things. I was really glad that Ashton didn't bother me all day. After the park we head to get ice cream.
"What kind you want Courtney?" I ask her

"I want cookie dough!" Courtney says and I get her a cookie dough in a small cone.

I get a vanilla, Louis gets chocolate and Liam gets cookies and cream. We have so much fun and then spend the rest of the day just looking around town. I could not help but stealing a glance at Liam ever so often. I think I was falling for him.

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