Chapter 16

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It has been a few weeks since I slept with Liam and I have not been feeling well. I have been nauseous, tired, and have been getting head aches. Liam was going to watch Courtney while I went to the doctors.

"Are you sure you want to watch her? I can cancel." Niall said not wanting to leave.

"We'll be fine. We'll be here when you get back. It's probably just a bug" Liam said

"Okay I'll be back in about an hour or so" I say and kiss Liam's cheek.

"No daddy don't go!" Courtney said running over to me and hugging my leg.

"I'll be back soon princess. You have to stay with Papa Liam though." I said

I lifted Courtney up and handed her to Liam. As soon as I put her in Liam's arms she started to cry and I had to hurry out the door. Once I was out the door I could hear Courtney's cries through the door. I hurried to my car. The quicker I got this doctor appointment over with the better.

Once I arrived at the doctor's office I checked in and waited to be called. I wonder how Liam is doing with Courtney.

Liam's POV

"I want daddy! Where daddy?!" Courtney continuously cried.

"Daddy had to go see the doctor princess" I said trying to calm Courtney cried. I never knew she was this close to Niall.

"Why?!" Courtney cried

"He's not feeling well and he went to see what was wrong" Liam said bending down to Courtney's height.

"Daddy sick?" Courtney said wiping her tears

"Maybe we won't know until he gets back. How about we invite Aiden over to play? But only if you stop crying." I said. I know I was probably bribing her but I didn't know what else to do.

"Okay! Call Aiden please!" Courtney said excitedly. I dialed Harry's number and not before long he was picking up.

"Hello?" Harry asked

"Hey it's Liam are you busy?" I asked

"No why?" Harry said

"Would you mind bringing over Aiden for a play date with Courtney?" I asked

"Not at all be there in 20 minutes or less" Harry said and hung up

"What he say? Aiden come over?" Courtney asked curiously.

"Yes he'll be over soon. In the mean time why don't we go a make a picture for daddy?" I say

"Okay!" Courtney says and runs over to her coloring table and starts on a picture for her daddy. About 20 minutes later there is a knock on the door.

"Aiden!" Courtney said jumping up in excitement. I laugh at her excitement. Looks like somebody has a crush. I go over to the door and open it.

"Hi Harry. Hello Aiden.

"Hi Mr. Payne. Hi Courtney!" Aiden says.

Before I could stop her Courtney tackled Aiden into a hug causing them both to fall on the floor. Harry and I both laughed.

"Someone has a crush" I say with a laugh and Harry agrees with me.

Aiden and Courtney then run off to play while Harry and I talk.

Niall's POV

"Well Niall your blood pressure seems to be well. It seems you have gained a little bit of weight. I do believe I know what is wrong but just to make sure please lay down and lift your shirt up." Dr Daniels said

I lifted up my shirt and he put a gel on my stomach. Chills ran down my spine from it's coolness. He then started to look around in my stomach with a mouse looking thing.

"There we are see that blob" Dr Daniels says

"Yes what about it? Oh my god! Do I have cancer?!" I said starting to panic

"No Niall you are perfectly fine. That blob is your baby. Congratulations you are 8 weeks pregnant" Dr Daniels said with a smile.

Pregnant. I can't be. What if Liam doesn't want it? I think to myself

"Would you like an ultra sound copy?" Dr daniels says

"yes please" I say.

She then prints a copy for me and i schedule my next appointment with him

"Here are some pills I want you to take that will help your body obtain the hormones it needs to help the baby grow. See you in four weeks" He said and I left. I then headed home.

How was I going to tell liam? Was he even ready to have his own kid with me? I thought to myself. Once I arrived I saw Harry's car here. I then open the door.

"Hello?" I say

"DADDY!" Courtney said excitedly and ran over to me with a piece of paper in her hand.

I picked her up and kissed her

"Were you good for Papa Liam?" I ask her

"Yes! He let me have Aiden over! This is for you!" Courtney said and showed me a picture which she explained was me, her and liam and it said get well soon at the top and love Courtney at the bottom.

"I love it princess" I say and walk into the kitchen with her and put it on the fridge then go to the the living room

"Welcome home. Is everything alright? What did the doctor say?" Liam asked worriedly

"Can we talk in private" I say

"We should get going anyway. Come on Aiden time to go" Harry said. Courtney then hugged Aiden good bye. Harry put his shoes and coat on and they left.

"Princess go play while papa and I talk" I said

"Okay!" Courtney then ran off

"What did the doctor say?" Liam asked

"Please promise me you won't raise your voice when I tell you?" I asked worried

"I won't now what is it?" Liam said

"I'm pregnant" I say and look away scared of Liam's reaction.

"Y-you're pregnant?" Liam said in shock

"I understand if you don't want to keep it" I said sadly

"No I do want to keep it I'm just nervous. Should we tell Courtney?" Liam asked

"Let's wait a few weeks until there less a chance of me miscarrying" I say

"Okay. Oh my god this is wonderful! I'm going to be a dad!" Liam says and spins me around excitedly. Liam then kissed me. Things could not get any better than they did at that moment.

What should Niall have? Twins? Single baby? Girl? Boy?

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