Chapter 25

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Courtney has come to accept that she is going to be a big sibling which makes me extremely happy.
She is excited to be getting a brother which makes Liam and I happy. Liam has been watching her ever since the Ashton incident.
"Courtney be careful!" Liam said as Courtney ran around.
She just stuck her tongue at him and ran around.
"Courtney! Listen to your papa" I said and she stopped.
"Time to go for daddy's appointment!" Liam said
"No! I want to play!" Courtney said stubbornly.
"Courtney! We are going now!" I say
"No!" Courtney said
I then took her by the hand and I put her in the car. She huffed and we left. Once we were there Liam got her out and she had a pout on her face.
"Courtney wipe that frown off your face. Show me that smile of yours" I said
She just huffed as we went inside. I checked in and we sat and waited. Once I was called we went into a room.
"Okay let's see how this little one is doing" the doctor said. He then put the gel on my stomach and looked around.
"Well this is interesting. I can't believe I didn't see this before." the doctor said
"What is it?" I asked worried
"Apparently you're not having one baby. You're having twins. Two boys in fact." the doctor said.
I then looked over at Liam and I just had a shock looked on my face. Courtney then huffed and opened the door and she stormed out. I sighed. We just got out of her not accepting one baby but now we have to do it with two. I thought.
"Would you like to know the due date?" The doctor said
"Yes" I said
"It looks like August 8th" the doctor said and then printed a picture. We then made our next appointment and got Courtney and left. I hoped by the time the boys came she would learn to accept them both.

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