Chapter 15

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Courtney was on a play date with Aiden today. Ever since Ashton came to visit I have been super worried. Liam and I are going to the law firm to see if I can get full custody of Courtney and if Liam can become Courtney's legal guardian and take place of Ashton. I know Ashton will always be her father but I want someone who actually cares and is stable and does not have anger issues.

"Niall Horan?" a secretary calls.

I had been waiting for fifteen minutes with Liam and the whole time I was feeling anxious.

I stand up with Liam and the secretary leads us to a room

"Mr. Pena will be with you shortly" the secretary said.
"Liam maybe this is a bad idea" I say having second thoughts.
"It is up to you. Do you want to get full custody?" Liam asks
"Yes but I want Courtney to still see her father" I say. Just then the door opens.
"Sorry to keep you waiting. What can I do for you Mr. Horan." Mr. Pena says.
"I would like to get sole custody of my daughter." I say from.
"From him?" Mr. Pena says pointing to Liam.
"Oh god no. It's from my ex-boyfriend" I say nervously.
"I see. Give me a second" Mr. Pena says and takes a document out of the drawer.
"I'll just need to ask you a few questions first" Mr. Pena says
(Author Note: I'm not sure how custody battles go but just go with it. It's a story.)
"Of course" I say holding Liam's hand.
"Now your name please?" Mr. Pena asks
"Niall James Horan" I say
"Child's name" Mr. Pena says
"It is Courtney Ann Irwin but I would like to change the last name to Courtney Ann Horan-Payne" I say and smile at Liam. We share a quick kiss and turn back to the lawyer.
"Okay. We will do that next. What is the non fit parents name" mr. Pena Says
"Ashton Fletcher Irwin" I say
"Why is the other parent unfit to care for the child?" Mr. Pena says. I feel tears in my eyes and squeeze his hand.
"Mr. Irwin was abusive and controlling to my partner. Although he has never hurt his daughter he has hurt my partner numerous of times." Liam said seriously.
"I see. Do you allow visitation rights?" Mr.Pena says
"Y-yes" I stutter
"Niall are you sure?" Liam says unsure about the idea.
"Yes but they have to be supervised and I request that Ashton go to anger management and therapy if he ever wants me to reconsider this" I say wiping my tears.
"Now what are your conditions for visitation rights?" Mr. Pena says
"Either Liam and I or one of us must be present. Ashton must get therapy/anger management. He can not leave the state or country with her. I think that's it so far" I say
"Okay if you would just sign here. Both of you" Mr. Pena says. Liam and I both sign out names and makes a copy for him self and hands us the paper saying I have sole custody of Courtney.
"Now I need this filled out if you want to change Courtney's last name and give Mr. Payne custody."
Liam then fills out some paperwork.
"Congratulations Mr.Payne you now have custody of Courtney with Mr. Horan." Mr. Pena says
"Thank you" Liam says and we both shake Mr. Pena's hand and leave. I was happy that I had full custody.
"Well I guess we should go get Courtney" I say. Just then my phone rings.
"Hello?" I say
"Hey Niall it's Harry. Aiden and Courtney are having a ton of fun over here. I just put them down for a nap and before Aiden fell asleep he asked if Courtney could sleep over. It's fine with me but it's up to you since you are her parent" Harry says.
"Yeah that's fine. I'll stop by later with a bag for her" I say and Liam looks at me confused."
"Thanks see ya in a bit" Harry says and hangs up.
"What was that about?" Liam asked confused
"Aiden wanted Courtney to sleepover since they are having a ton of fun and I said yes" I say
"Okay. That means we can have some fun" Liam says with a smirk. I then start to blush.
"I'll have to drop a bag off first for Courtney" I say
"Deal. But first lets get something to eat" Liam says
We then head to a pizza place and get something to eat. We then head home and I make a night over bag for Courtney. Liam then drives to Harry's"
"Hey" Harry says as he opens the door
"I just wanted to drop this off" I say and show him Courtney's bag. Harry takes it.
"Well I've got to go. Liam or I will pick Courtney up around noon tomorrow if that's okay" I say.
"That's fine. See you then" Harry says and waves good bye and closes the door. I then get back in the car and Liam and I head home. Once we are home we head right to the bedroom and have a little fun if you know what I mean. After Liam and I made love. I feel asleep in his arms. I was happy that I finally had sole custody of my daughter. Little did I know that Liam didn't use a condom. (Hint hint).

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