Drained (pt 7)

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Crowley POV:
"Where the hell did he come from!" Nina exclaims jumping out of her seat. Maggie just put a calming hand on her and just smiles at the strange couple. It felt soooo goood to be back to my normal size and holding the angel, even if he was crying all over my good jacket. I pull back to look at him and received a lot more resistance than I'd originally thought.

"Angel, look at me. Why are you crying? Stop that" I murmur softly as I brush away the tears on his face. He looks at me and then reaches up towards my face. I freeze until I realize that he just wanted to take off my glasses. He actually smiled when he could see my eyes again and I felt as if my heart was going to pop out of my chest when he speaks.

"Your eyes are so beautiful my dear." It was too much at once and my brain was short-circuiting.

"Welp...That's that" I say standing straight and looking at Maggie and Nina "Hello ladies."

Aziraphale looks up with a worried expression and has a small hold on my jacket looking up at me. I don't know what to do now so I do the first thing that pops into my head.

"Can I get 6 shots of expresso and a slice of anything sweet for him." I say to Nina who just nods and leaves the table.

"I'll help you with that" Maggie says quickly joining her. I turn back to Aziraphale who is just looking at me smiling. I don't know what to do. Aziraphale has always been able to make me question myself and the one time I open up to him in the way that matters he left me for heaven. Unable to figure out what to do I panicked.

"Well, I suppose I shall have to go back into... Into hiding so nobody sees us together." I say. Immediately Aziraphale is shaking his head.

"No!" he clears his throat, " I mean I'm sure we've got time to sit and talk before we have to go back or anything."

I sit down and Nina comes over with the expresso and a slice of cake for Aziraphale. Nina and Maggie leave us again and go back to work while keeping an eye on us. I down the expresso quickly and watch Aziraphale as he starts to eat.

"Crowley" he says after he'd finished his cake faster than normal.


"Can we talk about..." His eyes go wide just as I felt the difference in the air. I quickly change into a small snake and Aziraphale looks back down where I was seated and didn't see me disappear.

"Aziraphale! I thought I'd find you here" says the Metatron as he starts making his way to the back of the shop. Slithering around I make it to Aziraphale's coat. I turn into a small human form and begin to climb.

"Aziraphale although I'd hate to take away your little adventure, I must ask that you go back to Heaven immediately.

"Oh yes I guess I've been here long enough after a little cake."
"Yes, and apparently a coffee as well" The Metatron says.

"Coffee? Oh yes, yes that is mine" Aziraphale recovers. I've finally made it to Aziraphale's pants pocket and fell in.

"oof" I squeak. Aziraphale looks around trying to find me.

"What was that?" The Metatron asks.

"What was what?" Aziraphale replies.

"Never mind, come now we are leaving."

"Oh, I'm going with you now?" Aziraphale asks still trying to find out where I was.

"Yes, now" The Metatron says losing his patience.

"Oh...well I..." Aziraphale says as The Metatron leads him away. Worried that he'd try to go back for me or tick off the Metatron I start hitting Aziraphale with my tiny fists. Aziraphale then puts his hand into the pocket, and I immediately grab ahold to show my presence. I hear him sigh in relief as the doors to the elevator shut.

"That was the demon Crowley's car, yes?" the Metatron asks.

"Oh, yes that was" Aziraphale says.

"You didn't come down here to see him, did you?" The Metatron asks.

"No, I didn't"

The Metatron sighs and rubs his eyes. The Metatron's eyes looked sunken and tired, and he's gotten worse the longer that Aziraphale had been working. I wasn't looking forward to going back into that tiny excuse of a room.

"Aziraphale, you know that you are needed in here." The Metatron says as he leads Aziraphale back to the room. Aziraphale walks back in willingly and the door shuts behind him. After waiting a few minutes Aziraphale takes me out of his pocket and peers down at me. I'm exhausted I think feeling like pressure is zapping me of all energy.

"Crowley are you ok?" He asks worriedly.

"I-I don't feel so good let me sleep angel." I say tiredly.

Aziraphale POV

Crowley really isn't looking very good. Sleeping in my palm I worry instead of doing my work. After some time, I hear hushed voices at the door.

"Supreme Archangel Aziraphale?" I hear Uriel and Michael say as they walk into my office. They immediately grimace as they enter and then Micheal steps out of the door surprised while Uriel stands there in awe and confusion.

"What's the problem?" I ask confused.

"How?" Uriel asks while stepping back outside the room.

"I'm sorry?" 

"How are you still in existence? We just found out that The Metatron has been putting a rather strong miracle to take away some of our energy to fuel his work keeping you as the main power source" Uriel states.

"We learned that he'd taken so much power out of you that we needed to come and check on you, but you seem unaffected" Michael says keeping far from the room.

"You mean this office is just a way to take away my abilities?"

"No, it's designed to drain away the life and power through memories. By definition you shouldn't even remember your name by how long you've been here" says Uriel. In confusion I quickly step out of the room and join the two angels wondering how I'd been so unaffected and then I remembered there is another who could have been drained...Crowley!

Author's Note:

Hi! Its JVanRuisdael feel free to tell me how I'm doing. And what's going to happen to Crowley... Until next time!

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