Working Together (Pt 13)

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Crowley's POV:

"But what's Heavens' problems got to do with Hell?" Shax sneers.

"Well given I watched a demon become a celestial nuke I think it's just become Hell's problem too. Imagine a weapon that doesn't just discorporate but extinguishes the existence of any demon and drains away the power of the angels leaving them defenseless." I remind.

Shax glares at the Angels and scoffs. All the angels look on at the demons while the demons scowl and make rude gestures at them. Uriel and Michael look to one another and then to Aziraphale for guidance.

"First we will need to recoup from our power being drained as we all are feeling pretty tired." Uriel says while Michael nods.

"Yes, where can we go and recenter.... away from the demons." Michael murmers.

"You are standing in it. Hell is now open to us but not really a place where you can hide from demons." Aziraphale states calmly. The angels uncomfortably shuffle around feeling out of place and eyeing the demons. I take Aziraphale's hand and lead him away.


"They are going to have to figure this one out for themselves angel." I say as I lead him off to the demon equivalent of a lounge. He gratefully sits down on the cleanest looking couch and sighs.

"We are like sitting ducks here" Aziraphale says softly. My mind started thinking about ducks and then water...Water! Muriel watered my Bentley! MURIEL!

"MURIEL!" I shout startling the angel. I quickly grab the phone and call the bookshop knowing it as one of the few lines that can receive hell's calls.

"Ello. Ello whatever book you think we have we probably don't sell it." I hear Muriel say on the other end.

"Muriel! Your still on Earth!?" I shout at her.

"Why yes I haven't left my post" she says happily.

"I'm going to go get everybody!" I hear Aziraphale shout as he runs for the Angels and Demons.

"Mr. Crowley? What's going on?" Muriel asks.

"Listen Muriel just stay on the line and your about to have some company over so just keep talking to me."

"Company? Then I should hang up and get ready." she comments

"Muriel for Heaven's sake don't hang up this phone." I articulate. Aziraphale shows up with angels and demons alike all excited to leave Hell.

"Quickly everyone through the line. C-mon now we don't want to dawdle." Aziraphale coaxes.

As Angels and Demons alike stormed through the phone line, we agreed that Aziraphale would enter and keep the phone line open while I usher them through. We started finally getting through to the last of the Angels and Demons when we feel a difference in the air. Quicker than ever before we rushed angels and demons through the phone line.

"Crowley!? What's going on?" Aziraphale calls out from the line noticing the faster waves of beings.

"It's nothing Angel. Everything is... Tickety-boo as you say." I comfort the angel.

 Within seconds The Metatron is in Hell, and he was storming up to us. Angels are pushing past each other, and demons shove to get to the phone line making the line inefficient. I stand guard by the phone and wait until the last possible moment before hanging up the phone and cutting off the only known pathway to Earth.

Authors note:

Sorry for the short one guys but I figured I'd give you something :)


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