Not a Feather (Pt 11)

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Aziraphale's POV:

I was in shock Crowley had just... disappeared. Hell didn't have the power to take him anymore since he'd officially became his own side. Unless he'd been weakened by going to hell and drained in heaven my mind raced through possibilities fearing the worst for Crowley.

"What just happened?" Maggie asks me.

" I don't know" I say, "but I'm about to find out."

"But Crowley says you're in trouble and that you need to hide here" Nina point out.

"Yes, and now my hiding has put Crowley in danger."

"But..." Maggie starts but Nina rests a hand on her shoulder.

"Look at him Mags" She says as I am leaving, "I don't think we have to worry about him, he looks like he could take Crowley back from the Devil himself."


I stormed through the disgusting halls of hell in search of the newest duke. I walk past demon after demon, and none stop me some even cower in fear as I stride to the center of Hell.

"You there where is the duke?" I ask a peculiar demon with two horns of hair.

"M-me?" he stammered.

"Quickly now" 

"Oh. I. Heaven?" says the demon.

"Why would Shax be in Heaven?"

"I don't know Supreme Archangel" he says softly and then tenses.

"Are you sure? You better not be lying to me" I threaten. He nods on and on. I quickly make my way towards the elevator and go up to Heaven. Why would Shax be in Heaven? I wondered again before the door opens and Muriel walks in pushing me back into the elevator. 

"Oh, ello Supreme Archangel Aziraphale." She says while blocking me from leaving the door as it shuts behind her. 
"Muriel while it is nice to see you, I've official business to attend to so I must get going." 

"Oh, but I have a question about... the bookshop!" she says quickly. I realize what she's up to almost immediately.

"Muriel where is Crowley?" I ask her. She closes her eyes and shakes her head.

"Mr. Crowley says I'm not to tell you or else it would be very bad." 

"Muriel I must know. Is he ok? What's going on?" Again, she shakes her head and doesn't look at me.

"He doesn't want you to get hurt and told me to tell you that if I see you to not go to Heaven. You are already here so I don't know what to do" Muriel admits. Knowing Crowley, I knew that he was in trouble but also that he sometimes forgets that I was the angel of the eastern gate, and that job wasn't for the weak.

"Muriel where are they hiding him?" I ask.

"He's been restrained until tomorrow" She answers.

"What's happening tomorrow?"

"...I... He said I shouldn't tell you no matter what you say" Muriel says softly.

"Muriel. Is he in danger?" I ask her, "Muriel you have to tell me I cannot exist knowing he's in trouble and I'm doing nothing." Muriel looks at me with a pained expression.

"He told me not to tell you, but you are still my boss. Crowley is to be executed tomorrow morning." Muriel whispers. I didn't want to know what all entails with an execution from Heaven and Hell. Once we hit earth I stay in the elevator and Muriel looks at me sadly as the doors shut and I again go up to heaven.

In Heaven:

I take a step out of the elevator and immediately escorted to The Metatron. In this room I see chaos. Angels are swarming around as Crowley attempts to single handedly take them on to escape. Crowley is furious and I've no idea why but watching him erupt into flame and electricity to discorporate these angels was a sight to behold.

"Aziraphale, wonderful of you to join us" I hear as The Metatron closes the door behind me.

*A few moments previous. * Crowley's POV:

I was restrained to a chair and watching angels go about their business when the Metatron looks down at me covering my view.

"Crowley" he says as I turn to face him, " are you aware of how short your time is?"

"Oh, I don't know. I could always just disappear for a few centuries, and nobody would be able to tell any difference." I say calmly while devising a plan on getting out of here.

"You and Aziraphale have had enough time fraternizing. Finally, the will of the Almighty through me shall prevail in eliminating such useless creations."

"HEY! You've no business calling Aziraphale useless when he's better an angel than all of you combined!" I growled back at him. Shocked The Metatron stares at me then back at my restraints.

"You have no authority. Not anymore."

"I don't need authority to know how to do your job better."

" You never knew how to keep your mouth shut, and this time its Aziraphale's turn to fall." The Metatron mused.

"You will leave him alone!" I snarl.

"We will do as we see fit" he smirks. The Metatron's smile falls as I felt an anger inside that was stronger than ever before electrifying the bonds and I step out of my restraints.

"You will not touch a single feather of his. You will forget about us, and you will leave him alone." I growl low as I approach the Metatron.

"Y-you what do you think you're doing?" he asked while stepping backwards.

"I'm leaving and you will not stop me" I hiss feeling flames licking up my pants, free to do my bidding.

"Quickly Angels! Get the demon!" The Metatron shouts as he quickly rushes to a safe distance. I blow up and take out as many angels as possible while they attempt to rush at me. I was getting free when I finally hear the target of my anger and my heart stops.

"Aziraphale, wonderful of you to join us." I hear the Metatron say. I look at Aziraphale fear radiating off me in waves.

"ANGEL! GET OUT! RUN..." I was immediately restrained again after trying to warn Aziraphale. He on the other hand, had a look that could send any demon running as he strides up to me.  I look up at him from the floor.

"Crowley...You're hurt" he says softly. The angels surrounding us stayed a good distance away from the two of us, too afraid to go any closer.

"It's nothing Angel. Quickly you must g-..." But he stopped me with a look and then practically growled at the Metatron.

"Now you have us. What exactly do you expect to happen now?" 

Author's note:

JVanRuisdael here hope you are entertained! Until next time!

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