Projects (Pt8)

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Aziraphale's POV

"Thank you so much! Unfortunately, I must get going" I say as I quickly speed away from the office and angels. Once I'd made my way far enough, I see the Metatron storming towards me.

"Aziraphale! What are you doing now? You already had enough escaping your duties for the day" He yells.

"Sir what is the purpose of my office?" I ask sternly. He looks surprised.

"Micheal and Uriel got to you didn't they. They don't know what they are talking about. Trust me they will get a proper reprimand for such actions and false accusations." He says quickly.

"Are they falsely accusing you?" Aziraphale asks already knowing the answer.

"Of course, They are under the impression that I'm drained of my own power and so needed someone strong enough to replenish mine, but I can assure you that this is not the case." 

"This scenario is oddly more specific than what I'd heard from the two angels. What are you doing with this power?" I ask. Crowley stirs in my pocket, and I put a calming hand over him so to tell him not to come out.

"I have already told you Aziraphale, I am not doing anything." He says as I notice again just how tired he is.

"Metatron. There is a miracle count that came up that makes me question some things. We all probably need to sit this down and talk about it. Yes?" I say still not wanting to start a full out war again in heaven.

"Yes, this sounds like a reasonable course of action." The Metatron sighs.

We call Uriel and Michael together with the two of us and I miracle us some chairs as we sit around a table. Uriel and Michael are both looking fearfully at The Metatron who appears to be growing more and more agitated as we stare at each other in silence.

"So..." I start, "what is going on here."

"Absolutely nothing but these two making trouble." The Metatron says quickly.

"We are doing no such thing. We saw you disappear for hours and then look refreshed while anytime spent away from wherever it is your going you look exhausted. So, to make sure everything is good we started to follow you around..." Uriel starts.

"YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO QUESTION THE ALMIGHTY" The Metatron yells. Causing everyone in the room to shrink away.

"But then what is making you appear this way?" Aziraphale asks.

"I don't find this meeting useful anymore. Aziraphale go back to your office, Uriel and Michael go do something useful for once." The Metatron says and then leaves.

"He'ssss a gonerr" I hear a soft hiss.

"What was that?" Michael asks.

"I don't know. Are you sure that what you guys are saying is true?" Aziraphale asks changing the subject.

"I'm sure of it. Something is happening here and its wrong." Uriel says softly.

"Let's meet up and see about this in my office hmm?" Aziraphale asks.

"Agreed" they say in unison. We enter my office, and they sit down in two chairs.

"Can you two feel anything while we are in here?" I ask.

"No, we just don't feel easy, it's another reason why we are so confused. It's almost like its draining only the most powerful one here. Which would be you Supreme Archangel." Uriel states. I think on this and slightly marvel at Crowley's ability to protect me even without us knowing it.

"Is there any way we can get a miracle blocker sent here?" I ask the two. They nod in unison and quickly leave with their new task. I lock the door behind them and take out Crowley.

"Crowley!? are you ok?" I ask him. Crowley looks bad so I decide to take my work back outside the room while putting him back into my pocket. Within a few hours I finally feel a stir in my pocket and rush to a corner to take him out.

"Hello Angel" Crowley says exhausted.

"Dear it appears that there is something fishy going on here." Aziraphale says smiling as the demon blinks up at him in his tiny snake form.

"It's alwaysss been this way Angel" Crowley hisses and then yawns.

"Go back to sleep Crowley I'm going to try and stay out of the room so not to drain you any further." Crowley nods and curls back up already exhausted from such a short conversation. The Metatron comes walking up to me after noticing that I'd been gone for so long.

"Aziraphale you don't believe those two, do you?" The Metatron says softly. I shake my head.

"No, I just needed to clear my head and normally I'd take a walk around my shop if I needed something to do." Aziraphale states. The Metatron looks haggard and scowls at the thought of Aziraphale not being in his office.

"So, when do you plan on getting back to work?" The Metatron quips. I look at him and realize something.

"How are you feeling?" I ask knowing that in this way he'd have to give a reason to his image.

"I've been busy with a project of mine that requires a lot of attention and keeping track of your whereabouts doesn't help any. So, if you don't mind, please go back to work." He says while I nod and head back to my office.

I step into my office and shut the door behind me. Taking out Crowley I realize just how much he's gone through and decide that it's time I do something about this whole issue. I step back out of the office and see The Metatron walking towards a glowing pathway and sneakily follow him. The Metatron walks into more and more corridors and I follow closely. He finally makes it into a room, and it's filled with light. I cannot walk into the room as it didn't feel right when I notice something it was a glowing orb that pulsed. It felt powerful and yet not something that should be here. The Metatron walks up and grabs the orb as it drains him to the point of losing his existence, but then he quickly steps onto the glowing pad close by and I feel the power that surged through the room and blasted anyone close by. Feeling a surge, I see The Metatron mumbling to himself.

"It's getting lesser and lesser every time he leaves that darn room." he mumbles after regaining just enough strength from Crowley to survive. I start walking away quietly from the door.

"Angel what was that?" I hear Crowley say as he'd awoken when some of his power blasted back into him. The Metatron turns and sees me with a scowl on his face.

"AZIRAPHALE!!!" I hear the Metatron yell as he made chase towards my fleeing form.

Authors note:
Hey, y'all JVanRuisdael tell me how I'm doing! I'm enjoying making this story. Until next time... 

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