Running (Pt 16)

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Crowley's POV:

We'd been watching The Metatron for hours as he paced, hide, and then return to the phone area. Shax is getting impatient waiting for our next move, and it worries me. Uriel has no problem egging her on to try something.

"For the love of... Shut it and relax. Currently we are safe, and he will get bored eventually and try and find us elsewhere." I whisper to the two.

The Metatron roamed these halls constantly until Uriel got the idea to give him a distraction. At first, we disagreed to this simply that it would be hard to tell how well a person could come back in time after the distraction, but Shax was getting dangerously impatient as time progressed.

Uriel had taken the job of creating a distraction a way from the phones by sending out a short miracle of energy that would run to the furthest corner of Hell. Uriel couldn't be close to us when she sent it out or else The Metatron would be able to recognize what we were attempting to do. Shax and I waited until we saw The Metatron's excited face exiting the area quickly in search of this surge of power.

"Vavoom" I whispered. Finally making my way to the phones Shax and I quickly dialed Maggie's phone.

"Hello this is Maggie, who's calling?" I hear and nod to Shax for her to speed through the phone. Maggie continued to ask who was on the line until I hear here exclaim in shock and then Shax starts quickly explaining the situation briefly. I finally see Uriel enter the room and to my shock she grows to full size and jumps into the phone line, but upon seeing a familiar face behind her I allow her through before jumping through the line but not before I hear his roar in response. Upon making my way to the other end of the phone we quickly disconnect the call and block the number.

"Nice job Maggie... uhm I wouldn't answer any unknown numbers for your phone anymore. She nods and excitedly grabs onto Nina who'd been present and is still very confused as to what is happening. We smile and thank the two before Uriel asks where to go next. Seeing Aziraphale's shop next door Uriel shakes her head and proceeds towards the bookstore. Smiling I make my way over to the shop unable to hold back my grin at the thought of seeing my angel.

Aziraphale's POV:

It's been a week since we've lost contact with Crowley, Shax, and Uriel. Michael has been worriedly buzzing in my ear asking about what to do about them and frankly I had no clue what to do. I've been keeping the peace with the Angels and Demons. Exhausted by their constant need of my attention I didn't notice when the room had gone quiet. Constantly in my head worrying about what to do next and our fragile existence along with pushing out of my head any negative thoughts about Crowley's safety I felt the need for his comforting presence now more than ever. Walking out into the room I notice the reason for their silence.

"Who did it?" I ask. I was angry as somebody had apparently knocked over a whole shelf of books and it had spilt somebody else's beverage on the books. No one dared answer me and I sighed, not having enough energy to stay angry. Picking up the shelf and fixing the books I began to feel like I was babysitting these celestial children.

"No more rough housing or so help me you will be sleeping outside." I threaten the culprits.

I hear the door open, and some people walk in, but I ignored it and kept to my rounds in keeping everyone as comfortable as possible and around people that they could be productive with. I feel a presence behind me, and I tiredly turn around ready to help who ever needed me. When my eyes see the familiar form with arms open wide, I immediately rush to Crowley.

"Crowley..." I murmur into his shirt breathing him in as his arms tightly around me and dipped his face into my hair.

"This is a rather good welcome. I was worried you'd be mad at me" Crowley teases as his hands shake showing his true feelings of exhaustion and relief. I nuzzle deeper into his embrace before I hear someone clearing their throat loudly. I peak from around Crowley to see Shax standing in disgust and Uriel standing with Michael.

"It's wonderful that the two of you are still fooling around during these dark times" Shax sneers.

"Oh, cram it Shax it's been long on all of us." Crowley snaps keeping an arm tightly around me. Then Crowley leads the two of us away and yells that we were on break, and we'd be back later.

Upon entering the room, I quickly grab onto his collar and pull his face to mine for a quick kiss. Noticing his glasses I gently reach up and remove them to see his beautiful eyes dilated afterwards.

"I missed you too angel." Crowley says softly looking away still shy at saying it out loud.

"Crowley I was so worried. I didn't know what to do and they needed me here or else we'd have a civil war on our hands." I say while again seeking out the comfort of his arms. Crowley again pulls me in close and this time nuzzles his face into my neck. I chuckle softly as he attempted to comfort me.

"How did you get here?" I ask finally having a moment to think after the relief of having Crowley back.

"Maggie's phone" Crowley says while moving to pace the floor. I sit down in a chair and watch as he starts to explain the things he'd seen in Hell. Upon getting all caught up the two of us walk out and I've never felt more energized. I felt like I could take on the world so long as I had him by my side.

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