Halo (Pt 17)

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Crowley's POV:

I was seated on the arm of Aziraphale's chair and listening to yet another complaint issue from a demon and angel. Supposedly the angel threatened him and he in turn liked his finger and poked the angel's shirt causing a small fire in the bookshop. I look boredly to see Aziraphale's expression and it was priceless. This demon had brought back fire into the shop and in the process Muriel, in an attempt to help, poured a bucket of water on the angel and the books behind her.  I was quiet and simply enjoying being around my angel.

"For the love of..." Aziraphale says as another issue was breaking out at the other side of the bookshop.

"They need to do something" I suggest.

"What do you mean?"

"They are bored and picking fights to do anything but sit still. They need a task and to feel like they have a purpose again." I say gently.

"What do you suggest?" He asks.

"Let's start the plan."

"Crowley the plan is too risky. I-we don't even know if Shax knows anything. I we challenge her authority in front of everyone she could lash out of " Aziraphale stammers.

"There's only one way to find out." I walk off with Aziraphale trailing behind as we head into the middle of the more demon infested area of the bookshop.

"Shax. I've just learned that yoooou have been holding out on us." Immediately all the celestials in the room had our attention.

"I-Wwell I" Shax looked afraid and that is when it was my turn to come in.

"Shax let's go talk a little in private" says Aziraphale playing what the humans call 'good cop' and I take her away from the prying eyes of the others. Shax walks into the office with Aziraphale, I follow closely behind.

"Shax would you please let us know what's going on?" Aziraphale asks softly.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this. I didn't realize what it was. I just knew that if I did what he'd said we would finally be able to get the upper hand. Hell would be able to get the chance to witness a traiter dead and this 'secret weapon' that I thought I could learn how to recreate or combat. I didn't want demons to be destroyed and when The Metatron told me that Heaven had a weapon of mass destruction and was going to try it out on you two. I just wanted to protect my demons from 'the wrath of heaven' in every way I could." Shax gushes.

"To be honest angel I didn't realize that would work."

"Crowley" Aziraphale admonishes. He turns back to thank Shax for her admitting to what had happened and then asks the important question, "What do you know about the weapon?"

"I don't know anything about it but this... it doesn't work on earth. That's why The Metatron wants Aziraphale so much because he thinks that if he takes all his power then he could complete his creation to work everywhere. He want's everyone else as fuel for himself and his creation. The weapon craves both energies and wants to be completed which is why he becomes so tired when he's working it." Shax explains further.

After learning this new information, we decide to tell the group. Shax is back in the mass of the demons and telling them all her side of the story while we collected everybody.

"We would like to bring to light some things" Aziraphale starts, "I'm sure that you all are aware that Shax was in contact with The Metatron previously and she has shared with us some new information."

"Go on then tell us!" A demon shouts from the back.

"He's getting to it" I hiss. The demon goes quiet and Aziraphale clears his throat to continue.

"As I was saying, you are all the safest here on earth as Shax has told us that The Metatron cannot bring his weapon to earth. He is weaker here and therefore we can hide here best. Also, so long as we are not around Heaven nor Hell then we can safely wait out and starve his creation." Everyone seems to like the idea of not fighting for once and nod their heads in agreeance.

"What will we do in the meantime?" somebody in the back asks.

"Find better hiding places" I say quickly. "Find your own respective heaven or hell on earth."

Aziraphale nods and then shakes his head, "Crowley how will we keep in touch with them all? They don't know how to be up here."

"That's not really our problem, is it? I mean we cannot have them all here what if something happens? We could all be in trouble if a single celestial accidently summons The Metatron here."

"I don't think anyone would do that. Everyone should stay close to here and respect one another's space. Don't go spreading out because we don't want anyone to be a hero here and get everyone else in trouble." Aziraphale states.

Just as Aziraphale had finished his sentence the bookshop shakes, scaring multiple demons and angels alike we turn towards the door. Again, the door vibrates as the force of something was taking it down. I stand in front of Aziraphale, and multiple celestials turn and run behind us. The door flies off its henges and we see The Metatron standing there. The Metatron grins as he turns his sunken in eyes towards us.

"So, everyone is hiding here now. That just made my job a whole lot easier" The Metatron states as he takes a step towards the door. Once he realizes that he could not enter The Metatron hisses.


No one answers, as Aziraphale and I felt that the only way to properly protect the shop was to put a miracle around the place together when no one was around. The Metatron looks at the two of us and growls low.

"It was the two of you" The Metatron again attempts to enter but the barrier stands strong. Aziraphale was already moving to corral the demons and angels away from the entrance and towards the back of the shop. I stood just enough ahead that I could defend Aziraphale when his back was turned toward a difficult celestial being. I watched The Metatron and then heard a shout from the back.

"Good luck trying to get us now without your weapon to protect you." Shax taunts. I turn to shout at her to shut it when The Metatron answers her in a way that gave me more nausea than booze ever could.

"You forget who you are talking to demon. I am The Metatron a being that can unravel time and space. This is simply a minor inconvenience before I take you all for my work." The Metatron then held his hands up to the barrier and started to absorb its power. In fear we all stood there, and I turned to look at Aziraphale who looked absolutely terrified. 

"Sh*t" I ran up to the barrier and watched The Metatron's eyes widen.

"Crowley!" Aziraphale shouts.

"It'll be fine angel I say as I start pouring energy back and reinforcing the barrier" I turn to my side and Aziraphale is there with his hand on my back and glaring at The Metatron.

"You are not welcome here" then Aziraphale started to glow, so I turned just in time to see his wings out and halo free. I smile in awe when he chucks the halo at The Metatron and then swiftly wraps me in his wings safely so that I don't become discorporated. I look at my angel and we both peak from his wings in order to witness The Metatron blown a block down the street.

Author's Note:

I hope this isn't too long I just find the story entertaining. If you have any recommendations on what I should write next I will if I know the characters well enough. I find that this is a fun hobby and will see you next time!

-Also, if I have any SpideyPool fans that is a favorite of mine that I've been thinking of doing soon.


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