Summoned (Pt 10)

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Aziraphale's POV:

I wake up and enjoy the look on Crowley's face as he slept. Crowley was almost completely wrapped around me and snuggled onto my chest. He looks so peaceful I think happily as I contently hold onto him just a little bit tighter. Crowley shifts slightly and wakes up blushing as red as his hair.

"Oh" he clears his throat, " good morning angel" he says as he scrambles to get up. I chuckle at his behavior and then follow him as he heads out.

"Ah ah" the demon tuts, "You are staying right here."

"What?" I asked surprised.

"You are being looked for. Listen I'm going to go and try and pick up some information in Hell, while you stay here and stay hidden." Crowley says.

"Crowley they will be looking for you as well." I quickly say before he can leave.

"Yea, but they won't even know I'm there." He says as he puts his glasses on and moving out of the door.

"Crowley no let's just stay here together and figure something out." I saw to keep him here. He gently grabs my hand and speaks to me softly.

"I promise Angel I'll be right back" and Crowley walks out the door and saunters towards Hell.

Crowley's POV:

I honestly don't know what I'm looking for but if I can find any information on Aziraphale here it would be with the newest Duke of Hell. Seeing Shax I act cool and try and talk to her.

"Hey how are you doing?" 

"Crowley what are you doing here?" She spits.

"Oh, nothing just checking the place out and I must say it looks extra grotesque this morning."

"Begone disgusting traitor we have nothing but death for you here."

"Ah, yes makes sense." I say as I walk past her.

"Here to find out about that new Supreme Archangel everyone's been looking for?" Shax asks.

"Oh, there's a new one already? Is it Michael or Uriel?" I ask.

"Don't play dumb with me!" Shax sneers, "We all know that you and that Aziraphale have been close, for far too long. You two may think your special but let me remind you that we are still the forsaken and for that alone he will never be yours unless he falls." I shudder at the thought of Aziraphale going through the fall.

"So do you know anything?" I ask.

"I know plenty" Shax huffs.

"Sure you do. Well, I'll go ask somebody who actually knows something then." I say while turning away from her.

"I know that he is on earth, and I have every demon at my disposal looking for him. This should include you, but I find you completely untrustworthy." I nod and agree with her knowing now the extent of this in Hell.

"Yes, yes see ya later." I say as I walk away and towards earth feeling her eyes watch me. Too afraid to go straight back to Aziraphale I walk into the bookshop to confuse any demons on my tail. Muriel waves and I nod at her and proceed to the Angels office. Finding a few books and records Aziraphale likes I quickly call the Maggy's office phone.

"Hello, we are not able to take calls at the moment...Crowley!" Aziraphale shouts as the demon comes out from the other line.

"Hi Angel. I didn't want Shax to know where you are, so I just thought I'd come in through the phone line" I say quickly, "but the thing is... Hell is definitely interested in you, and they don't even know why."

"Crowley. We already knew this was going to happen." Aziraphale says softly. I nod knowing that what'd I'd confirmed was already a suspicion.

"I know Angel."

"Then no more going outside." Aziraphale says sternly. I look at him and open my mouth to argue but he takes two quick steps towards me and wraps his arms around me.

"I was anxious the entire time you'd been gone. Please Crowley let's stay in here until this whole thing blows over." Aziraphale says into my shirt. I hold him and find myself agreeing with him.

"Aww, did you two finally make up?" Maggie says as she walks into the room. Then she eyed the bed in the corner and smirked.

"Don't be getting any ideas" I say to her as she giggles, and Nina raises a brow at us.

"So, what is the plan?" Nina asks the two of us.

"We are going to hide out here until this whole thing blows over and then we will escape somewhere else" I say.

"Yes. Basically, we don't have a plan" Aziraphale announces. Nina nods with Aziraphale's statement.

"So how long do you think that will be?" Nina asks. Biased off the looks we gave each other, Nina guessed correctly that we have no idea. Upon sitting down on the edge of the bed next to Aziraphale I start to feel summoned. 

"Ngk...AH!" I exclaim as a burning sensation flicks up my whole body.

"Crowley what's wrong?" Aziraphale says leaning down to my fallen form.

"I don't know hell can't summon me anymore" I say as I felt another wave come crashing on me.

"CROWLEY!" I hear Aziraphale say before I'm blinded by Heaven's brightness.


"The demon Crowley? No, you fool I said we are to summon Aziraphale not him!" The Metatron yells at Shax.

"I did exactly as you'd requested and combined our powers to summon the one whose energy is being drained from that office of yours." Shax spits. I look at the two and then slowly get back up.

"Hey fellas sorry about your failed experiment but I've got plenty of stuff to get to so I'm just going to get outta here really quick." I started for the door but was blocked by two angels.

"No, Demon you are to stay here and be executed for your sins against Heaven and Hell." The Metatron says with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"What!? C'mon guys I wasn't the one dumb enough to summon the wrong guy" I taunt.

"What do you mean by that Crowley?" Shax hisses.

"Well, I kinda hoped you'd understand that one Shax." She growls low and then looks at The Metatron.

"Let's get on with his execution now" She spits. The Metatron shakes his head.

"No, we are doing it tomorrow. In the meantime, put him somewhere out of sight. We want Aziraphale not him anyways" The Metatron says while turning away. As he left, I was able to see Muriel who was behind The Metatron, looking distressed and giving better context to what The Metatron is up to. This was the moment that I realized what I needed to do.

"Muriel" I say as the Angels take me away, "don't tell Aziraphale."

Author's Note:

Alright guys who's excited for the next part? I know I am!


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